[Trisquel-users] Which web browsers are included in Trisquel version 8.0?

2018-10-27 Thread scottfike
Hi, I don't run Trisquel 8.0 and I'm wanting to know which web browsers are included with version 8.0 and have they been customized in any way or what? Thank you

[Trisquel-users] Re : How to know your BIOS name and version?

2018-10-27 Thread aether
What do you mean by "did everything" and "restarted" ? What board are you trying to update ?

[Trisquel-users] Re : Help with graphics card selection for desktop build

2018-10-27 Thread aether
I'm using a GA-G41M-ES2L. The current available Libreboot rom is missing pcie-x16 support so you won't be able to use any GPU. I'm using a Libreboot rom I compiled myself back when the build system was working (with a commit which enables pcie-x16), it allows me to use a Perc H310 RAID card.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Help with graphics card selection for desktop build

2018-10-27 Thread lain7
I don't know much about that video card or the cpu you intend to use, but I can kind of answer your question about 3D acceleration. Some desktop environments (GNOME and Cinnamon) have a 3D accelerated compositor that cannot be entirely disabled (to my knowledge). So if you do not have a

[Trisquel-users] Re : Help with graphics card selection for desktop build

2018-10-27 Thread lcerf
What Linux best supports without any proprietary software (including firmware) is Intel graphical chipsets. For years, those chipsets have allowed me to use both my laptop screen and an external monitor, connected through HDMI or VGA. I guess it should be possible in a desktop computer

[Trisquel-users] Help with graphics card selection for desktop build

2018-10-27 Thread richardmillea
Hi, I am planning to build a desktop libreboot'd PC. I will most likely use a Gigabyte GA-G41M-ES2L motherboard. I have been trying to find which graphics card will work in a free software desktop. I need a card with at least 2 displayport outs as I need two monitors (I already have 2

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to know your BIOS name and version?

2018-10-27 Thread andre
Thank you. Because of the output of this I wanted to update coreboot and did everything in the "rookie guide lesson 1" [1], restarted, and there was still the same output in $sudo dmidecode | less. They have no regular forum, just a bug tracker. Does anybody have a clue? [1]

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to know your BIOS name and version?

2018-10-27 Thread alonivtsan
sudo dmidecode | less

[Trisquel-users] How to know your BIOS name and version?

2018-10-27 Thread andre
Hi all, How do you know our BIOS name (Seabios/Coreboot/Libreboot) and version? btw if I hit F2 during boot, then I get GNU Grub 2.02. Thank you.