[Trisquel-users] How to encrypt non-boot drive

2019-12-10 Thread xnchgyqk
Hi. I'm trying to encrypt a hard drive which is not the boot drive (the boot drive is already encrypted). I tried doing this with "Disks". I selected the drive in question and formatted it GPT. Then I added a partition LUKS + Ext4 and chose a name and passphrase. Now the partition is

Re: [Trisquel-users] Workspace switcher crashed

2019-12-10 Thread xnchgyqk
Hi chaosmonk. This worked like a charm. I just added the crashed components back to the panel as you suggested, no problem. This thing happened once more, much, much later, and I just chose the "reload" option and everything was fine. Thank for you help.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Cyrillic text on python graphs, is that an OS issue?

2019-12-10 Thread peruswe
Thanks a lot. I did what you suggested and it worked well. By the way, since I began to use Spyder with python 3, I have not needed to use plt.show() I get plots anyway.

Re: [Trisquel-users] install trisquel 8 32bit to USB

2019-12-10 Thread xliang9550
That Microsoft stops Losedows 7's support really doesn't make any difference for me. For security's sake, I never apply security updates and always disable the anti-virus software. Please note that (proprietary) anti-virus software is bigger threat than viruses. In order to kill viruses,

Re: [Trisquel-users] Spotify - or the like - in privacy

2019-12-10 Thread andyprough
> Whether or not Chromium is free or not, which I don't think it is, security on chrome based web browsers is questionable. I found that nuclear still has most of the same glitches and errors as last time, so got rid of it again. I think it is a nice looking app, but probably inherently

Re: [Trisquel-users] install trisquel 8 32bit to USB

2019-12-10 Thread tr33hugger
Thanks for the replies. After a few failed attempts at running trisquel from usb, it's now working again on 8gb usb 32bit fat32 (x60). the live version with persistence. Trisquel is being run as a possible windows replacement when win7 stops getting security updates in jan 20. Win 8.1 is