Hello FernandoV
Thanks very much for sharing this info and link! I probably spent well over an hour reading info there, and even more on links within it and what it lead to. Very timely! For 1 very important first step to act on it, I'll try to set up a new email address with what seems like a reliable provider, via a good link therein.

> Other interesting initiative: https://chatons.org/en

> "CHATONS is a collective of independant, transparent, open, neutral and ethical hosters providing FLOSS-based online services."

PS Is a collective which prefers to communicate in the French language, but there is one topic there for English speakers, the links in that topic were very helpful, and intended to help English speakers/writer/readers - and probably those speaking other languages too - to connect with a similar Collective that uses the language you speak. I think that's a great idea, so WE can all communicate easily, yet connect - with the help of those who can speak 2 or more languages doing some translations to facilitate communications across the whole spectrum of languages. Perhaps for now just having one Topic on each collective's site for a language other than their preferred language for any given site.

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