[Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme

2015-07-27 Thread cteehayder
Hello Liberal people :) Masalla icon theme by me (eng. hayder majid (hayder ctee)) Theme inspired by the latest flat design trend. The name of project is inspired from Obelisk name (like Obelisk of Hammurabi in History of Iraq) in arabic language Icons are licensed under the Creative Commons

Re: [Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme

2015-07-28 Thread jason
Non-commercial? My eyes are bleeding at at the non-freedom.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme

2015-07-28 Thread greatgnu

Re: [Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme

2015-07-30 Thread cteehayder
That temporary status, and i will change all licenses to GPL but i need some time

Re: [Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme

2015-07-31 Thread jason
"That temporary status, and i will change all licenses to GPL but i need some time" You've had almost two months? (gnome-look.org says Submitted: Jun 10 2015.) Not sure what would need so much time in order to plop "GPLv3 or, at your option, at any later version" there. I just wrote that in

Re: [Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme

2015-07-31 Thread cteehayder
Have you tried to make icons? Try to make more than 5,000 icons, each icon separately and you will know how much you need! The other thing is that I am working on a project on my own

Re: [Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme

2015-07-31 Thread franparpe
which program did you use to make those icons?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme

2015-07-31 Thread jason
"Have you tried to make icons? Try to make more than 5,000 icons, each icon separately and you will know how much you need!" Indeed, but I think you missed my point. My point was that, when uploading them to places, it doesn't actually take any extra work at all to slap "GPL" on something

Re: [Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme

2015-07-31 Thread cteehayder
Inkscape 0.91

Re: [Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme

2015-07-31 Thread onpon4
Another thing is, I can think of a few examples of people saying that they intended to make a program libre, but never doing so for one reason or another. If you're looking for something libre, and you're smart about it, you're going to look for something that's libre today, not something tha

Re: [Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme

2015-07-31 Thread tegskywalker
What's with all the Islamic jibber jabber on the page? I can't read it so I don't know if I am partaking in praise of Muhammad by using your non-free icons. Speak in English and put them under a more freedom friendly license.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme

2015-07-31 Thread t8mf4nu6lizp
That's uncalled for, please don't make xenophobic comments here.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme

2015-07-31 Thread cooloutac
don't you use that theme?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme

2015-08-01 Thread cteehayder
What does religion have to do with icons? Did you read the "Mohammed" name in Readme file or other files? I think that your reaction towards Islam is clear therefore don't linking this work with religion and politics, what I liked in a Trisquel community is neutral and stay away from the secta

Re: [Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme

2015-08-01 Thread blade . vp2020
Welcome my friend I will explain to you the problem he is not good in licenses he useed parts of other work in hiz work and this pparts is non free he nede time to Replace all non free parts

Re: [Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme

2015-08-01 Thread tomlukeywood
i am still undecided about whether a no commercial license on some media works would be an entirely bad thing if someone makes music and they want to make money selling a cd for example licensing the music so others cannot commercially redistribute it so that they can make money(or more mone

Re: [Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme

2015-08-01 Thread cooloutac

Re: [Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme

2015-08-01 Thread franparpe
Thank you for that information, I was looking for good drawing programs for icons because I have to create my own. I know that using a good program won't make you good designing but when I have to do some work, I like to be confident that I won't feel the lack of tools.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme

2015-08-01 Thread tegskywalker
But why is it there? Just describe what the icons are and what they do and leave it at that. An icon page is not the platform to spread religious views.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme

2015-08-01 Thread jason
"so others cannot commercially redistribute it so that they can make money" Or, in other words, an uneven playing field. But yeah, read the article Calinou linked to.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme

2015-08-01 Thread 166291
If commercial redistribution isn't vitally important then why should it be restricted? I'm also skeptical that artists are struggling to get a decent income due to file sharing, could you provide some numbers for that?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme

2015-08-01 Thread cteehayder
You should translate the icon description before you talk about "religious" :) if you don't know, google and bing have translator ^_^ http://www.bing.com/translator https://translate.google.uk/?hl=ar&tab=wT

Re: [Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme

2015-08-01 Thread legimet . calc
Yeah, how dare he put his description in two different languages! /s

Re: [Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme

2015-08-01 Thread davesamcdxv
You can't tell the bloody difference between Arab non-Muslim writing and Arab Muslim-writing and you assume an sentence written with arabix letters to be one of them having not previously asked the author what it meant?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme

2015-08-01 Thread davesamcdxv
DO YOU THINK LETTERS AND RELIGION HAVE THAT MUCH OF A RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN EACH OTHER? SERIOUSLY? (And by the way do you think the word "Allah" is only used by Muslims?) (to everybody else: excuse the all-caps, couldn't help myself)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme

2015-08-01 Thread davesamcdxv
He probably meant towards those who are part of the did-not-take-part-in-making-the-work-in-question audience.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme

2015-08-01 Thread davesamcdxv
Ahem, t3g aside, I think you should write what the Arabic (it's Arabic, isn't it?) writing on there means. Yes there are online translators but using the ones that work involve more than a wee bit of non-free-ness andwell I think you understand why a lot of us don't want to go through

Re: [Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme

2015-08-01 Thread jason
"He probably meant towards those who are part of the did-not-take-part-in-making-the-work-in-question audience." It should be permitted even for them. The article calinou linked to explains why.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme

2015-08-01 Thread legimet . calc
It's the same as what's written above.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme

2015-08-01 Thread davesamcdxv
Actuallyyeah, my bad I guess.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme

2015-08-01 Thread blade . vp2020
hi hayderctee google and bing non free dont use it

Re: [Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme

2015-08-01 Thread blade . vp2020
hi t3g in trisquel Community Guidelines (1) in part 3 """ 1. Discrimination -- Do not discriminate against people based on age, gender, sex, sexual orientation, disability, religion, ideology, ideas, social class, nationality, race, intelligence, or any analogous grounds. """ Please read and f

Re: [Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme

2015-08-01 Thread tegskywalker
I wasn't attacking him personally as I don't care what religion they follow. I just found the text on the icon page out of place given the context.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme

2015-08-01 Thread tomlukeywood
"I just found the text on the icon page out of place given the context." why was the text out of context?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme

2015-08-01 Thread tomlukeywood
"Or, in other words, an uneven playing field." yes it creates a uneven playing field you could think of it as a reward for putting the time and effort to make the media in the first place but i think that people could cope with not commercially redistributing some media don’t you? i have r

Re: [Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme

2015-08-01 Thread blade . vp2020
>I wasn't attacking him personally as I don't care what religion they follow. I just found the text on the icon page out of place given the context. no its seme a Personal attack and all this Personal attack because of text! You had to ask him about the meaning of the text r

Re: [Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme

2015-08-01 Thread tomlukeywood
"I'm also skeptical that artists are struggling to get a decent income due to file sharing, could you provide some numbers for that?" these sources say alot: https://orgtheory.wordpress.com/2011/07/13/the-history-of-recording-industry-sales-1973-2010/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Music_indus

Re: [Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme

2015-08-01 Thread tegskywalker
It is out of context because the text is in English and then randomly inserts Arabic. It could be good. Could be bad. Is it in there as some secret passage knowing most will not understand it?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme

2015-08-01 Thread tomlukeywood
i don’t think it was a personally attack i think its just arrogance and xenophobia by t3g btw here is the English translation of the Arabic text: Icons inspired by the latest designs Filat It was inspired by the name of the obelisk name of Iraqi history Kmslh Hammurabi of the history of Iraq

Re: [Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme

2015-08-01 Thread jason
"you could think of it as a reward for putting the time and effort to make the media in the first place" There are other ways to be "awarded" (probably a problematic term) for making stuff. Making proprietary stuff is not the only way to get money. "as its not a necessity for people to comm

Re: [Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme

2015-08-01 Thread blade . vp2020
dont yuse all this evils SaSS services try this its seme free http://goldendict.org/

Re: [Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme

2015-08-01 Thread davesamcdxv
I wish GNOME Translate worked too :( But I am suspicious of the fact it's put under "Internet" in the app categories...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme

2015-08-01 Thread jadedml
I think of it this way-- If you were to make an icon set, and someone makes a derivative icon set based off of yours and then sells it, would you pursue legal action? Would you feel right in doing so? I wouldn't. Perhaps my thinking is twisted in some fashion, but it seems that the argument

Re: [Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme

2015-08-01 Thread blade . vp2020
you can use GNOME Translate in offline se http://www.noobslab.com/2012/11/howto-install-dictionary-in-ubuntumint.html

Re: [Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme

2015-08-01 Thread davesamcdxv
If that's GNOME Translate (whcih I doubt it is) then it's not the one I wrote about. http://www.nongnu.org/libtranslate/gnome-translate/

Re: [Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme

2015-08-01 Thread davesamcdxv
Actually, install the version meant from dagda (get it from http://oldarchive.trisquel.info ) and perform a sudo apt-mark hold gnome-translate, and..voila! (It does use online services though) Doesn't seem to work with all language combinations (couldn't get it to translate to Afrikaans

Re: [Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme

2015-08-02 Thread cteehayder
There is many projects with variant language in their descriptions like spanish , french and dutch with english ? why you make this different ? just because you can't translate ?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme

2015-08-02 Thread tomlukeywood
its a world wide internet pepole dont have to just speak in english "Is it in there as some secret passage knowing most will not understand it?" well its not exactly encripted is it i dont think you can say its secret considering hundreds of millions of pepole speak arabic and you can translat

Re: [Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme

2015-08-02 Thread davesamcdxv
I like stroopwafels more than stroop added seperately to wafels. OH MY! STROOP, WAFELS, AND STROOPWAFELS! SOME SECRET PASSAGE! OH DEAR WHAT DO THOSE 3 SCARY WORDS MEAN? THIS GUY'S AN EXTREMIST DENGEROUS GUY! (I mean, seriously? Oh wait, you actually don't think the strange words I posted ar

Re: [Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme

2015-08-02 Thread davesamcdxv
It's probably more about the prejudice people have towards Middle-Easterners, thanks to arseholes you probably know about, and the fact you all don't use latin letters. (anyway how's that removing of the NC part of the licence going?)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme

2015-08-02 Thread lap4fsf
The Arabic text on the desktop theme can be translated as: "masalla icon theme" It absolutely have no 'hidden/secret' message; you may refer with someone who is proficient in Arabic.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme

2015-08-02 Thread greatgnu
t3g - kad izvalis pizdariju bolje se pokrit sa usima nego dodavat jos. The first to translate gets points.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme

2015-08-02 Thread legimet . calc
It's one guy that made a big deal about it, not the rest of us :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme

2015-08-02 Thread tomlukeywood
all i know is its Croatian and i cant get the damn dictionary program to work -.-(working on it)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme

2015-08-03 Thread cteehayder
The name of project is inspired from Obelisk name (like Obelisk of Hammurabi in History of Iraq) in arabic language http://babel10-bablion-wesam.blogspot.com/2010/08/hammurabi-obelisk.html I make this icons with two licenses ( CC BY-NC-SA and GPL3+) because there is some parts of this work und

Re: [Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme

2015-08-03 Thread cteehayder
another thing , if any one can help me to translate the description to other languages?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme

2015-08-04 Thread franparpe
I want to say that the theme is one of the most beautiful I've seen.

[Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme now under GPL3+

2015-11-04 Thread cteehayder
All icons now is under GPL3+ http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Masalla+Icon+Theme?content=170321

Re: [Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme now under GPL3+

2015-11-04 Thread franparpe
You made it. Thank you very much for your work and congratulations :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme now under GPL3+

2015-11-04 Thread greatgnu
Downloading right now. 100 mb?? That must be a lot of icons mate!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme now under GPL3+

2015-11-06 Thread cteehayder
Thank you ^_^ can anyone translate the description to french language and other languages please ?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme now under GPL3+

2015-11-06 Thread greatgnu
Your English is perfectly clear to me. Here the Italian translation attached. odt file.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Masalla Icon Theme now under GPL3+

2015-11-06 Thread franparpe
Greetings, here you have the translation to Spanish :) I've installed the theme and I have to say that that was one of the most elegant themes I've ever seen, congratulations. I'm sorry to say that I found your English a little bit difficult to understand sometimes but the communication is