[Trisquel-users] Might this (making libre-driver-compatble card pass whitelist check) be a great way to workaround Wi-Fi Whitelists?

2016-04-15 Thread davesamcdxv
Modifying a laptop to accept cards other than the ones it was programmed by its manufacturer to accept is a bit of a hopeless cause (save for some computers, including pre-Haswell Thinkpads). Sowhat about modifying the card to pass under the whitelist check instead? (Surely there's some

Re: [Trisquel-users] Might this (making libre-driver-compatble card pass whitelist check) be a great way to workaround Wi-Fi Whitelists?

2016-03-02 Thread freeworld4
Are you saying my laptop won't accept a libre hardware wifi card then???

Re: [Trisquel-users] Might this (making libre-driver-compatble card pass whitelist check) be a great way to workaround Wi-Fi Whitelists?

2016-04-15 Thread arielgnu
Wow, that is an interesting idea. Instead of finding a way to hack the BIOS, just find a way to make the WIFI card tell the BIOS that it's a white listed one, if I'm not misunderstanding the article.