[Trisquel-users] Re : Netinsall, tty, apt-get update not working

2016-06-11 Thread lcerf
Do you have, in /etc/default/grub, GRUB_TIMEOUT set to a non-null value and no GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT? If not, edit the file, save and execute 'sudo update-grub'.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Netinsall, tty, apt-get update not working

2016-06-12 Thread lcerf
10 for GRUB_TIMEOUT is a lot. At least half that value. I am not sure what GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT does if set at 0: remove that line if you want to see GRUB's menu. However, all that would have no influence if you actually have GRUB Legacy (i.e., version 0.97) installed. The package for GRUB 2

[Trisquel-users] Re : Netinsall, tty, apt-get update not working

2016-06-13 Thread lcerf
You need not installed "grub", i.e., GRUB Legacy. "grub-pc" is GRUB 2.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Netinsall, tty, apt-get update not working

2016-06-17 Thread lcerf
I still have not understood if your /boot is encrypted. If so, what is the point?

[Trisquel-users] Re : Netinsall, tty, apt-get update not working

2016-06-18 Thread lcerf
An unencrypted boot partition opens the possibility for someone to be able to install malicious software, since it can be read from and written to without any problem. Indeed. However, encryption only makes a difference in a scenario with physical access. That is, in this case, someone boot

[Trisquel-users] Re : Netinsall, tty, apt-get update not working

2016-06-18 Thread lcerf
Well, not anyone... but if the attacker has enough power on Intel (states), then, yes, it is a potential problem.