[Trisquel-users] Ruby installation messed up; interpreter doesn't work

2014-03-21 Thread LDrumbler
I just installed RVM and after a little bit of difficulty I got it working. But I now have a problem. I can still run scripts and individual commands on the command line, but I can't get an interactive shell. The jruby command just waits forever. When I run jirb, a ton of processes called "

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ruby installation messed up; interpreter doesn't work

2014-03-21 Thread LDrumbler
Never mind: both have mysteriously started working again. Please disregard this thread.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ruby installation messed up; interpreter doesn't work

2014-03-23 Thread tegskywalker
Interesting you are using that version of jRuby when the official page has 1.7.11 as the latest stable at http://www.jruby.org/download