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I wish this for everyone.

I had been doing a casual type of level two, combining it with level three
while timebreaking each day's events, and was quite enjoying it; however I
decided to become a real citizen of Trom and see if sticking to Dennis'
instructs exactly would increase my skill level.

First, making myself do RI exactly as Dennis instructs was crucial in terms
of effectiveness over time, having only so much time for an allotted
session.  I can now run RI to a faster key-out which gives me more time to
do Level two.  For non-scios, "key-out" means very happy, blissful.

Today I selected a scene from yesterday of me throwing a yellow tennis ball
to my dog.

The first thing I noticed is that the scene came up in a specific location
in the room, so I selected an object that was near the scene and it ran
well.  Then I selected an object further away and had to move the
scene/object close to it and that produced yawns, discharge, so I did that
a few more times around the room, continuing to discharge.  It is nice to
have the awareness that scenes can be moved - part of taking over the
command power of the mind.

Then I noticed while doing the comparisons that I had a compulsion for
experiencing how things feel in the hand (I detected an undercurrent of
past scenes as my awareness came up) and that also discharged.

Then I noticed that I had fixed attention on the class of "yellow" color,
more yawns/discharge and then things got very bright and real "now" and I
felt better than when I started.

I also noticed that in the beginning the past object seemed more real than
the present object and then as I progressed the present object began to
seem more real, or my interest in it grew and I lost interest in the yellow
ball from the past scene.

I also ran similarities very easily because my mind seems to be more tuned
in to similarities than differences. Or more at ease with similarities.

Unfortunately, that was all the time I had and still be able to run enough
RI to replace what was discharged, but I'm liking the results and intend to
continue, if not just to be able to say I did it exactly as Dennis
instructed, but I can see already how it runs out compulsions regarding
various sensation aspects of objects.

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