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24. Summary

Here is a brief list of the universes:

a. Separation from static b. Jewel of Knowledge

1. Creationperiod
2. The Mis-aligned spaces 3. TheAgreementsUniverse 4. HomeUniverse
5. GamesUniverse
6. MotionUniverse
7. SymbolsUniverse
8. ThoughtUniverse
9. ConflictsUniverse 10.Magic Universe 11.Current Universe
12.Mud Universe.

It is quite possible that I have gotten some of the details wrong. For example, 
it wouldn't surprise me if it turned out that Giliead was in the Magic Universe 
instead of the Conflicts Universe. And I have intentionally avoided mentioning 
things which are still highly speculative. So do not take this literal mindedly 
or assume that it is complete. It is the barest sketch of a framework and 
further research is needed.

Some of you may think that I have an overly active imagination. In that case I 
invite you to enjoy the above as an entertaining piece of fiction. I do hope 
that you will begin to research your past existence and attempt to determine 
who and what we are. I do not insist that you find the same answers that I did. 

Take this roadmap and use it as a suggestion for things to look at. Don't 
simply swallow it as a matter of faith. Wrong ideas are not harmful unless you 
blindly insist that they are correct, otherwise you would simply have a good 

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