The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
So even though Level Four is complete we still have a residual hard-core of 
mind left, and our job on Level Five is to bring it into view so it can be 
Timebroken. As your power of postulate increases on Level Five, so you’ll be 
able to spring more and more of this into view; this in turn will improve your 
power of postulate even more, which will permit you to spring even deeper 
levels into view. And so on until the job is finally done. How capable will you 
be? I don’t know, for to the very best of my knowledge no one has got there 
yet. You write and tell me about it. I do known this, though: the sky is a lot 
higher than you think. Even when you can knock a couple of planets out of orbit 
with the whisper of a thought, you’re still only a babe in arms in terms of 
your full potential. Only life has ever put a limit to the ability of life.
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