The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org

>Hi Paul
>I hear what you are saying but you are assuming that someone has the knowledge 
>and experience and is an expert on TROM to the degree that they can police the 
>technical correctness of posts.  i do not have 28 years of Scientology 
>auditing experience as Dennis had. i did not spend from 1978 to 1994 
>developing TROM. So I will not take on the job of deciding who can post to the 
>list based on the correctness of their understanding of TROM.
>Everyone on the list is their own course supervisor, case supervisor, director 
>of processing etc and can judge for themselves whether posters to the list are 
>knowledgeable or full of shit. in sorting this out they will become better at 
>understanding TROM.
>My job is to see that posters behave civilly towards each other and put them 
>on moderate if they are not.
>Thank you for your concern.
>Keep on TROMing
>Sent from my iPad
>On Aug 2, 2012, at 7:23 PM, Paul Tipon <pti...@proftitleserv.com> wrote:
>Hi Pete,
>>Thanks for getting back to me.
>>My intention over and above Slim is to help people get onto and thru TROM.  I 
>>have no disagreements with Dennis' work.  I also am ready and willing to help 
>>Slim and anyone get thru TROM.
>>What gets posted on the TROM thread can be very helpful and of course any and 
>>all can give wins and pose questions and what they think.  However with Slim 
>>it has become a matter of invalidating Dennis' work and posting what he 
>>states to be truth and Dennis' Tech according to Slim.  If he would say, 
>>according to Slim, that would be another story entirely.  Several times I 
>>have pointed out his non-duplication of TROM and the falsities that he posts. 
>> He has not corrected at this time so I have upped the gradient.
>>Most of all I feel it is paramount that untruths, falsities and the twisting 
>>of Dennis' TROM not be continuously posted with no retractions and most 
>>important no learning and correction occurring.  Such can only mislead and 
>>harm those working to learn, understand and apply TROM.  Potentially the TROM 
>>thread becomes misleading and wrong and therefore harmful to readers and 
>>those working to get through TROM.
>>I understand your concern about keeping people on TROM but when posting can 
>>mislead and devalue and destroy TROM, I feel something should be done to 
>>adhere to and follow Dennis' cautions.  Slim himself posted Dennis' concern 
>>and admonition, 
>>"2)  When you duplicate the data, you duplicate it exactly.  Not because I 
>>am enamored with my prose style but because altered, it could very easily 
>>become just another trap in a universe already abundantly endowed with them."
>>There are those who will try to harm, oppress, suppress and enslave.  I feel 
>>that when those are spotted and when they are shown the error of their ways 
>>and it is to no avail in them changing and correcting, steps should be taken 
>>to see that their harm is reduced or eliminated. To do nothing for whatever 
>>reason is to agree with their evil intent and actions, to whatever degree but 
>>it is agreement.
>>The simple fact is that there is also a degree of invalidation and 
>>destruction to TROM and the TROM thread that will occur from this.  No 
>>quantity of subscribers justifies this nor can a nominal quantity by itself 
>>have a correcting effect nor is quantity or lack thereof a justifier for evil.
>>On Aug 
Trom mailing list

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