The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
Hi Colleen

thanks  for your session notes. forgot the word you used as the title. i don't 
receive email from the list . the title referenced something about talking to 
oneself and exiting the stage. lol. its all good.

Hope you're doing well.  

i see your reference to losing contact with your "the one" or the " I AM"  
temporarily .  

Which I AM are you usings ? theres a few. 


Also came across this site too.  Interesting similarities to RI . The 
difference between the two is that RI has self and others create the 
importance, not just self. When I say RI is a form of meditation , I really 
meant, meditation is a form of RI. 

http://iamuniversity.org/. I see how Paul came up with the love and fear 
relationship now too. They don't match up and are cross packaged goals. Lol 

I don't use any other spiritual enhancement exsersizes  other than TROM. Never 
have since the mid 80s. Never will either. :  ) 

When I started using the words  " I am " when referring to my identity Slim And 
The 1, a couple years  ago, I had know idea of the significance  " I Am "  was 
to others in a spiritual sense.  It wasn't until latter that I started noticing 
others using it.  Now I see billboards for supermarkets using it like this one. 


When I use it, I use it as just plain old every day - I am . Like Im sleepy , 
Im happy , Im Slim . It has no other significance to it that that. 
Others use it as some connection to the supreme being and use it as a noun. 
"the I am " Not me. :  ) 

I've also heard of others refer to " the one" as being the supreme being of all 
or what ever. I know I mentioned this subject a few posts ago . Just to clarify 
things a little further , I'll explain. Some have asked me about it in private 
emails and I usually don't go Into too many details about it. So I will now.  

THE 1. 

 Saw the movie called the matrix when it first came out . Very interesting how 
it came down to " the one " Neo, to break the Matrix. Over come its influence. 
To see past the illusion of the Matrix.  He was the only one who could pull it 
off and break it down and become immune to it. hence the name " the one" . 

It wasn't until about three months into level two and three and running RI 
every day , some days running the levels and RI two or three times a day . I 
didn't have a job but I had an income and a roof over my head so I had plenty 
of time , food shelter and no present time problems to distract me.

  I continually went for the moment I entered into this universe , while 
finding things to time break , holding that moment up to the present time and 
time breaking ALL the mass in between then and now. It was basic time breaking 
, unlike levels four and five. 

I began time breaking past scenes at first and then past solid materials that 
would show up as well. 

Then , the mother of all mothers in magnitude of cognitions happened,  and I 
was outside the universe knowing things that were very surprising. I could know 
the future and I saw who I am , As a spiritual body . Still can today , nothing 
has changed.

 I knew who I  was before i entered the universe , " the 1"  . Just like NEO in 
the Matrix.  

Latter, I could not accept it . I'd tell myself over and over , it can't be me. 
How could it be me. I'd never have known it if I hadn't gone out of the 
universe and viewed  the future . 

 i was laughing and crying harder than ever before........ simultaneously . 
Charge was dispersing off of me 360 degrees. Like in the movie called the 
Highlander, after the guy cuts the other guys head off but without out all the 
damage , drama, illuminations or sound effects. Ok.  I'm exaggerating a little 
but the feeling of charge coming off was incredible.  I recall emailing Jurgen 
right after. 


  the movie called the Matrix, ( believe it or not )  was created as a 
reference or a reminder . its not like im trying to be like the one " Neo" in 
the movie . the movie is about me , not me about it. 

its all indirect communication that is supposed to help wake "  the 1 " up. the 
materials in section OT III , indirect communication designed to help what 
others up to the actual incident. But that's a whole different subject . 

Me, being the 1,  never crossed my mind prior to when it finally did during 
levels two and three .  Long after the movie was released to the public.

ive only heard of one other person who refers to the one and she refers to the 
one as the creator of the universe. im not the almighty, or  creator of this 
universe. Ra, Ali Baba, Budah, Christ , son of god , or any of these guys. I'm 
not that "the one"

 I always use the number, not the word. Always have, and now I understand why. 
I'm not " the one" I'm, " the 1" half human and half "  the 1 " a spiritual 
being from another space and time dimension and a universe in my own right and 
just another spiritual being in existence. Just like the rest of you on the 

When I become fully spiritual as in "native state" I will exclusively be "  THE 
1" without my human body. 

I know what it's like , this lifetime and I know this lifetime is just 
temporary venture for me while I get a feel for what it's like to be human and 
experience all the suffering other humans are enduring and how the basic law 
can be so degrading to life inn this universe.  I've seen enough. It's time. 

I also know it's not some kind of temporary valence shift . Anyone is free to 
view my past and see for thereself. My experiences in this universe is all 
there in the past universe,  in three dimensions. Just like this universe.

Quote from TROM

it is to be noted that valence shifts are always diagonally across the goals 
package. The valence the being goes into is called the winning valence; the 
valence he comes out of is called the losing valence. Thus, legs 1 and 3 are 
winning valences, and legs 2 and 4 are losing valences. Shifts from legs 1 to 
2, or 3 to 4, are not valence shifts, they are merely the super-imposition of a 
Mustn’t postulate over an existing Must postulate, now in failure. All valence 
shifts involve the adoption of a new identity, whether real or imagined.

end quote.

 Unfortunately , while I was out of the universe , realizing who I am and what 
I will do, I also saw a mass destruction event,  an extinction level event just 
ahead. Like Sarah Connor could see in the movie , Terminator. Not a nuke, or 
machine. More of a natural disaster event. The planet survives, but just about 
all the life forms are wiped off. 


I'm more concerned with this planets well being than humanity , but humans are 
life forms too so rather than focus on humanity and the planet , and all other 
life in the universe, I'm going to focus on the basic law that governs the 
universe, using life goals, and communication, to resolve any non life goals 
the universe is operating on . 

Now, when others ask me about my identity THE. 1, I can refer them to this 


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