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ok Slim! whellDone! You Know!

Spiritual Nature is love! Inconditioinal Love!

Here  my Loveto the One!

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Today's Topics:

   1. Amazon authors page for Dennis (Pete Mclaughlin)
   2. exterior (?ke)
   3. Obe (Slim .)
   4. freedom of choice (Slim)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 5 Dec 2013 13:26:07 -0800
From: Pete Mclaughlin <pete_mclaughlin_93...@yahoo.com>
To: TROM <trom@lists.newciv.org>
Subject: [TROM1] Amazon authors page for Dennis
Message-ID: <3cf7dc74-eca9-491a-ac7f-8605e384a...@yahoo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Hi all

I just put up an authors page for Dennis Stephens at Amazon.com. You can view it here:


Also Colleen and I are collaborating on producing paper back versions of TROM and the supplemental lectures books that will be an option to the kindle versions at amazon.com.
I'll let you know as these become available.


Sent from my iPad
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Message: 2
Date: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 20:06:42 +0100
From: ?ke <akes2...@mail.tele2.se>
To: trom@lists.newciv.org
Subject: [TROM1] exterior
Message-ID: <529f7d42.4040...@mail.tele2.se>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Hi, just a tip. If you have received NED you ought see the bulletin by
Dennis on

Before NED I was quite often ext. but after NED I became so damn caved
in it is unimaginable. The solution was this bulletin.
Now after many yrs with TROM I?m coming back again.

I had little difficulties with RI step 2, another to mock-up, but made
it to mock-up thru a physical via and it start to work smoothly.



Message: 3
Date: Thu, 5 Dec 2013 08:54:27 -0800
From: "Slim ." <slimspersonalem...@gmail.com>
To: trom@lists.newciv.org
Subject: [TROM1] Obe
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Hey Cory,

Read my posts to the list from 2010 to present time.
It should be enough to answer your questions.

You can create and or use any importance and place it around you 360

Whats important to you ?
Money, books, job, ison, frequencies, light, etc what ever you want.

Annanaki , queen drako and the illuminaughty for 500 please.

A number of degrees used by the illuminati and masonic tribe.  .

Or in Jeopardy..... what is 33 ?


:  )
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Message: 4
Date: Thu, 5 Dec 2013 16:39:41 -0800
From: Slim <theresolutionofm...@gmail.com>
To: trom@lists.newciv.org
Subject: [TROM1] freedom of choice
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"


Freedom from ? Freedom from ones own conflicting postulates placed in the
mind.  lol, what else?

They are your decisions , the things that prevent you from choosing. you
created them and only you know what they are. Its not my fault .

there's no freedom more free than total freedom of choice.

Im certain this statement drives those who relish and hold the concept of
entrapment and slavery,  like a thirsty baby holds its bottle of milk, into
an undesirable state and hurts a bit.

Peter Peter Peter. hahahaha

wow, pretty obvious mang.... I KNOW what you mean.

heres what you posted to the list  March 29th


 Here is an interesting article. Note that the development of
Scientology started with relief
 from the reactive mind then later focused on the development of abilities.
 TROM is all about relief from the mind and does nothing about
developing OT abilities.

Keep on TROMing


end quote


Lets take the COS OT 6 for example . It address exteriorzation. the EP
for OT6 was exteriorzation.

The RTC has since changed the grade chart and like their parent
company, ( masonic grand poopbutts )

( ok sue me ) tend to keep a tight lid on it . sssshhhhh its secret ! : )

TROM level 3  ( quote from games manual ) DHS wrote :

Tch, Tch. I shouldn?t have said this. Lets be more scientific. Here we
go: During this Level, or the subsequent
ones, you?ll find yourself occupying a viewpoint exterior to your body
in present time; you?ll also find yourself
occupying exterior viewpoints to the ones you occupied at the time
during the past scenes. All this is quite normal.
A being is natively capable of occupying any viewpoint he so desires
in any scene, whether ?then? or ?now?. This
ability is returning to you.

end quote .

hmmmmmm, sounds pretty  "OT" ( operating thetan ) to me, wouldn't you agree ?

Look,  the COS is in the slave owning / fund raising business. Their
slaves work for next to
 nothing on one hand while charging everything you own or will ever
own and a bag of potatoes
 on the other hand. Its called PROFIT.

Does the church do good things and help others? of course they do.  :  )
Its even mentioned in the games manual. They wouldn't get very far or
make very much money if not.

heres another quote from the games manual.

To trap you while promising to free you is probably the oldest game in
this universe. This is the game of the
?freedom maker?: he makes slaves out of those who walk a road to
freedom that he has created for them. All the
very best traps in this universe are clearly marked, The road to
freedom. The game of the freedom maker is big
business in this universe, and always has been - simply because the
willing slave, deluded into walking the road
to freedom, is always more than happy to work long hours for next to
no pay, and so create enormous wealth for
the slave master. The places where his willing slaves toil on their
road to freedom are called Freedom Factories.
(This is a slang term). The universe is strewn with them. Whole
planets have become vast freedom factories. Very
probably the first extra-terrestrial visitor to this planet will be an
agent from a local freedom factory - scouting
the territory to see if its worthwhile setting up shop here. The whole
technique of the freedom maker is to suspend
a carrot called ?freedom? in front of the person?s nose. The carrot is
on a string joined to a stick, the other
end of which is attached to the person?s back. Once the device is in
place the person will follow the carrot forever
down the road to freedom created by the freedom maker.

end quote :

The COS is like having a priest gointo a federal prison and teach the
prisoners the word of god.

The 10 commandments or what ever. Ya not bad but how does this help
set the prisoners free ?

The COS leaves the hardcore of the mind just as hard core as it ever
was and will ever be.

Ok I know you've never done the OT levels and haven't got very far
with the games manual.
Im not here to force anyone do anything if they choose not to. I
haven't done any OT levels
 either but I know others who have and Ive seen the OT materials. I
got as far as the

I think you have things somewhat backwards.  : )

Its actually the COS that has stalled tech. The SHSBC is the best they
have and its completely wrong.

Its totally flawed and is still flawed to this day.

Man if they had TROM and used it in place of what they now use,
 they'd have no slaves and no money but they'd have a gold mine of
spiritual wealth
and the ability to make a new universe that does not enslave, does not
prevent others
 from knowing their true spiritual nature and most of all nothing to
be free from. ( Martin )

Dennis got it all sorted out and correct.
He got to the end of where the COS stops , unraveled the GPM mess and
took off from there with level 5 .

Have you ever wondered how TROM stays on the internet ?  :  )

Pete,  if I told you or anyone else the things I know from my own
experience as it relates to OT ability and the power of TROM , I know you
and most others would not accept it as the actual truth .

LRH is not a bad guy . None of us are really. He just sold out. Hey, money
is money  right?.

My advice to all who read this. Use the games manual to the point that you
can leave this universe. You need not go all the way through Level 5 .
Quite goofing around with chit chat , computer tablets, good books, storys
about the milky way sandwich, (  hahahaha ) funny ) to read and
disinformation ideas.

BRIAN !!!!

watdup ? hows level 2 going ? need help ? lemeknow

Make no mistake. Love is the the highest of all highs in this universe as
it is in mine own. I love all of you no matter  what and unconditionally
without exception . Always have , always will.

anyways thanks for reading and as always ..........

*:  )*have a nice day

see ya on the outside.


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