Jud's answer is in her question; they're all equal. If this is indeed the case then, she shouldn't be disagreeing with anyone! All of her replies could be a simple AMEN. Lance
----- Original Message -----
Sent: March 13, 2004 05:49
Subject: [TruthTalk] The Trinity

From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Judy wrote:
Why would you think Bill's belief more important than that of Perry, Terry, Vincent, Kevin, Laura, and the others? The teacher is Jesus and he can speak through all or any part of the body he wants to; it's up to us to discern what is of him and what is not through the anointing that dwells within those of us who belong to Christ.
We are not all equal.  I know we have talked about this before and did not agree.  Nevertheless, I think it is factually correct that we are not all equal. With regards to knowledge, we are not all equal. With regards to how we share our knowledge, we are not all equal.
jt: Whose facts are these? Jesus taught his disciples as follows: "But be not ye called Rabbi (teacher); for ONE is your Master even Christ; and all ye are brethren" (Matt 23:8); sounds like a pretty level playing field to me; one Lord and we are all brethren.
It is very clear to me that Bill Taylor knows a whole lot more than what he has shared thus far.  The only way for the wealth of that knowledge to come forth is if we are worthy enough to receive the part that he does share. 
jt: Knowledge puffs up David, it's love that edifies; this is the kind of thing one hears about the antichrist; ie the Maitreya will not reveal himself until there is a hunger in mankind to receive his revelation and only then will he make himself known. 
When we receive that, then more will come.  If we do not receive, then the stream of knowledge stops.  This is the way Jesus operated. 
jt: Sounds like 20th century self professed prophet doctrine. So IYO those who do not receive Bill's revelation (that Jesus was born with a sin nature just like the rest of us) are cut off from further ministry from/of the Holy Spirit?
This is the way the Holy Spirit operates today. 
jt: Show me this in scripture; the Holy Spirit anoints God's Words, not the innumerable theories and doctrines of men and devils. Sadly we are living a day when men no longer endure sound doctrine and to insist that he was exactly like us sure lowers the standard. Which one of you great ones is able to walk on water?
To him who has received, more will be given him that he might have in abundance, but he who rejects that which is given will have taken away from him even that which he has.
jt: You are torturing the parable of the talents and using it as a proof text where it does not apply. Jesus was not speaking of bowing at the feet of academic; he was talking of the fruit of obedience; same as when he said "the kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof" (Matt 21:43)

God allows the devil to raise up heretics
to make his people study

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