----- Original Message -----
Sent: March 27, 2004 11:03
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] God in our unconscious

In a message dated 3/27/2004 4:36:28 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Not without repentance which means the sinner must consciously repent of and turn
from their sin.

What happens to the fellow who is not aware of his sin?  The flow of the blood doesn't work until he, the sinner, does the right thing?  How in the world do you explain "salvation by faith apart from works?"  And why is it necessary for God to continue accepting our faith IN THE PLACE OF righteousness?   What is your message of hope to the addicted?   And the guy in South Africa who has never heard of Christ? And the gang banger who was molested by a minister and rejects "religion" out of hand because of that experience?  Where does I.Q. fit into your scheme of things.  Some people just do not have the smarts to understand sme things but can grasp others.

Rather than answer all your objections, I have decided that our thread is better served to limit the discussion somewhat.   I believe the above gets to the heart of our disagreement.   Looking forward to your response.

John Smithson

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