I too perceive a "snarl" in virtually every response. I also agree re: the rapidity of the responses. Also, what's the deal with failing to make a distinction with the so-called self-interpreting nature of God's Word? Obviously it's one's own understanding/interpretation AT THIS POINT IN TIME. Have none progressed from milk to meat or were some born with a full set of teeth and, a steak in front of them? Lance
----- Original Message -----
Sent: March 15, 2004 07:41
Subject: [TruthTalk] tough being a Christian

From: Terry Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
You missed the whole point Kevin.  Everyone here is standing
on the word of God, and none of uc are in agreement. 
jt: I don't know that the above is true Terry. What does it mean
to take a stand on God's Word?  Everyone seems to know parts
of it but only God could know their heart attitude toward it and
whether or not they stand in faith or unbelief. I have heard from
the mouth of at least one man of God that the Word will be the
divider [sword] in the last day; it will divide and we will either
gather around it or we will be offended by it.
I am not saying compromise what you believe.  That would be
ridiculous.  I am saying that we are to love one another.  Love
covers a multitude of sins. 
jt: Love without truth is spiritual harlotry for which Israel was
judged time and time again. Are we going to stumble over the
same issues or learn from their mistakes?
Explain why you believe what you believe in a loving manner. 
Listen respectfully while they tell you what they believe.  Wait a
half hour before you respond, and use that half hour to think
about how you want to come across.  Love others AS YOURSELF.
If you snarl at my children, you will never convince me that you
love me.  If you snarl at God's children,.............................?
jt: I can only speak for myself but I've not been snarling or angry
with anyone that I'm aware of.  The above is good counsel but love
goes both ways. Many times the one who believes themselves to be
on the 'receiving end' has the evil imagination.  The true safeguard for
all of us is loving God's Word (Psalm 119:165) which is really all that
matters and all that will endure the fire anyway.
God allows the devil to raise up heretics
to make his people study
as the days become darker.

Yes you will have to drop your doctrine because you have every wind. No thanks count me out I shall take my stand on the word of God.

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