David Miller,

Just for the record, I never used to get the flu shot until after my Dad
started getting one at the assisted living complex, and I would get one
whenever he did with him.  I had never gotten the flu since then.  This
year, due to guests and such, I couldn't get the shot on the day he did, and
I got the flu.  So I'm a believer in it.  But there ARE risks, however
slight.  I have also taken care of ICU patients with Guillian-Barre'
Syndrome apparently after a flu shot. 


-----Original Message----- 
Dean writes:
> Each time I get the shot I get the flu-connection? 
> Don't know but it is starting to seem odd. 

Yes, there is a connection.  When you get the flu shot, you are
injecting your body with a small amount of the flu virus.  Your body
then builds up anti-bodies to fight the flu.  The idea is that if you do
this about two weeks before being exposed to the flu, then your body
will have already built up a resistance and you won't be knocked down by

I'm not a doctor, but common sense tells me that if you are experiencing
this, you have one of two choices.  1) Don't take the flu shot (not
everyone reacts to it the same way and you seem to be reacting badly to
it), or 2) you might try taking it a few weeks earlier than you normally
do.  If you still get the flu from it, then don't take the shot.

Remember that flu shots are BIG BUSINESS.  It is being marketed to you.
Don't believe that it is going to help you just because of the ads.
Most of the testing of it is done with old people in convalescent homes,
and you don't fall into that category, so the praised results may not be
so applicable to you.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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