Our Lord and Savior broke the Sabbath traditions.  I break the Sabbath every Sabbath.  I am proud of it.  I brag about it.  Yes, indeed.  THE SABBATH HAS NO MEANING TO ME.  I will just line up with Jesus Christ on this one.  7th Day Adventists are a spiritually sick and miserable religion.  Condemn me and you are aligning with those who condemned Jesus.  Yes, indeed, I rejoice in your condemnations.

There is a major problem with mixing grace and works with salvation (even while claiming not to do so) it makes faith something to be measured by loyalty to creeds and dogmas, not to fidelity to Jesus as Lord. My faith is personal rather than doctrinal -- CENTERED IN THE PERSON OF CHRIST.  My faithfulness cannot be measure by loyalty to creeds and dogmas.  I BOW TO JESUS CHRIST AND NONE OTHER.

--- Begin Message ---

Slade Henson wrote:

I grieve to know that you think this is a salvation issue. Please pray and consider your posts before you send them.
LOL.........I wish I had thought to say that in some of my past responses to you, Glenn!
In that way, emotive responses can be avoided.For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them. (Eph 2:8-9)Salvation is the gift of YHVH. There is no question about that (Genesis 15:6). -- slade
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, 20 March, 2003 07:07
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The Sabbath Breaker of Numbers
 There is a major problem with mixing grace and works with salvation (even while claiming not to do so) it makes faith something to be measured by loyalty to creeds and dogmas, not to fidelity to Jesus as Lord.

My faith is personal rather than doctrinal -- CENTERED IN THE PERSON OF CHRIST.  My faithfulness cannot be measure by loyalty to creeds and dogmas.  I BOW TO JESUS CHRIST AND NONE OTHER.


> Slade wrote:
> > The death penalty was stayed because David did not REBEL
> > and hide his sin.
> Is this something you find in the law of God?  Where in the Torah does it
> say that if a man commits murder and does not rebel and hide what he did,
> then his death penalty will be stayed?

Whatever system you come up with, David, it must explain why David was not
stoned for his sin. Should we not give YHVH room to
work his Chesed? Chesed is not just a New Testament concept. David proves

> Peace be with you.

And SHALOM to you as well.

-- slade


Dave Hansen
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--- End Message ---

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