Hello folks,

I am working on a module which enables historization on tryton models 
dynamically, by dynamic I mean - you can define models in tryton 
configuration and history will be enabled for them. Module name is 
audit_trail[1]. I am doing a weird hack to make this work[2], working 
though!. I had a discussion with pokoli on IRC[3] and he suggested if 
tryton could have some mechanism to apply inheritance in all classes in the 
pool. So when the pool is loading you can play with the classes to 
register, in my case inject _history = True to some classes? 

I am not sure how useful this feature would be and the areas where we can 
use this. Thoughts please?

[1] https://github.com/openlabs/trytond-audit-trail
[2] https://github.com/openlabs/trytond-audit-trail/blob/develop/__init__.py#L14
[3] http://www.tryton.org/~irclog/latest.log.html#t2015-04-22 15:02


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