There are a number of CTS tests in the under review bucket that Tuscany is
failing because the assertions tested prior Tuscany behaviour, rather than
spec constraints. e.g.  SequenceTest.testGetProperty.

These assertions are of the form "get property by index and ensure its the
same as getting it by name". and now that Tuscany has stopped exposing EMF
special properties the indices don't match up with the property names any
more. The hard coding of these indices makes the tests fragile.

I could just go round fixing all such instances,  however,  it seems that we
have a lot of occasions where we are testing exactly the same fairly
uninteresting code path,  and I'm pretty sure that this would be the same
for other implementations too.  So I propose to rationalize the number of
times we do this kind of test, so that we keep the level of redundancy in
the tests to a minimum.


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