[ http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/TUSCANY-224?page=all ]
ant elder updated TUSCANY-224:
Fix Version: Java-Mx
(was: Java-M1)
> ModuleContext locateService should return a proxy if any interceptors are
> present in the invocation c
[ http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/TUSCANY-224?page=all ]
Jim Marino updated TUSCANY-224:
Version: Mx
(was: M1)
Priority: Major (was: Blocker)
I took an detailed look at this and it is going to require changes in the core
[ http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/TUSCANY-224?page=all ]
Jean-Sebastien Delfino updated TUSCANY-224:
Fix Version: 0.91
Version: 0.91
> ModuleContext locateService should return a proxy if any interceptors are
> present in the inv