A few of us had a discussion about OSGi integration today on IRC for those interested:

[08:11am] jhawkins: Welcome, Nicole!
[08:11am] jmarino: Hi Nicole
[08:11am] jmarino: should we begin?
[08:11am] Nicole: yes  Should we start asking questions?
[08:12am] jhawkins: Lets. Where do you want to start?
[08:13am] Nicole: I would like to talk about the requirement having the same jars for OSGi and other hosts.
[08:13am] jmarino: k what do you guys think of that?
[08:14am] Nicole: From my point of view it should not be a problem to generate bundles out of the JARs which we can use in OSGi. [08:14am] jhawkins: I think we'll probably have a requirmeent for dual packaging. In other words, there will be some bpeople who will want an OSGi centric capability, and otheres who'll opt fo conveince. [08:15am] jmarino: ok my thinking around wanting to have the same was that we could reuse extensions across runtime hosts. So if someone wanted to write an extension, it would run on OSGi or in a servlet container, etc. [08:16am] jhawkins: I did take a look at the Spring virtual bundle code (thanks Nicole), and it's true that we could pretty easily do that. However I think some of the cases where extensions share dependencies will be problimatic [08:16am] Nicole: We could have the sources of the binding in OSGi and provide 2 maven tags. One for the simple JAR, one for a bundle. [08:17am] jmarino: In the extension model now, we have the <depenency> tag...could we programatically create the OSGi bundle? I was thinking we could support both bundles directly (pure OSGi) and jars [08:18am] Nicole: What is the meaning of the <dependency>? Dependency to other jars? [08:19am] jmarino: yes it's basically from Maven. It's more coarse grained than package dependencies [08:20am] jhawkins: Sure. The problem comes I see is getting the import/exports right. Are you planning on doing this at runtime, or during provisioning? [08:20am] jmarino: I was thinking this would be done when the extension is deployed into the runtime. This could be "live" or some time earlier. [08:21am] jmarino: I should step back and describe what we are doing in the spec a little since we are talking about deployment
[08:21am] jhawkins: That would help.
[08:21am] dkulp joined the chat room.
[08:21am] jmarino: ok we are still in the early stages
[08:22am] jmarino: but what we wanted was a way to express dependencies as well as the equivalent of exports in a language neutral way... [08:22am] jmarino: for example, there are not just Java packages, classes, etc. but also things like WSDL, XSDs, etc. [08:23am] jmarino: we were thinking about having a syntax for that. It would share some concepts to OSGi [08:23am] jmarino: I was thinking we could interpret this "syntax" and convert it to creating bundles in OSGi
[08:23am] jhawkins: Where would this metadata reside?  SCDL? Manifest?
[08:24am] jmarino: yes the metadata would be in SCDL
[08:25am] Nicole: It will not work out of the box, but we could adapt the Spring<->OSGi stuff. They are reading export/import info out of a file. [08:25am] Nicole: We could read the SCDL and create bundle with manifest. [08:26am] jhawkins: OK. So imagining we've got that, the question becomes "what would the translation result look like".
[08:26am] Nicole: A fragment bundle?
[08:27am] jhawkins: Good question. Jim's statement that extensions should have their own class loaders kills fragment bundes (unless we want to dig into that deeper).
[08:27am] jmarino: maybe we should dig deeper into that?
[08:28am] jmarino: we don't have this implemented yet but...
[08:28am] jhawkins: Also, the fragment bundle solution has implications on runtime isolation. Do we want to support multiple runtimes in a single OSGi? [08:29am] jmarino: I assumed there would be one but that was just an assumption without much thought. Is that a bad assumption?
[08:29am] jhawkins: You da' man - how many do you want?
[08:29am] jmarino: not sure about that My OSGi knowledge is pretty basic [08:29am] Nicole: Now I'm confused. I Thought one Runtime and X system/application composites ...
[08:30am] jmarino: that's what I was thinking
[08:30am] Nicole: What would be the advantage of having more than one Joel? [08:32am] jhawkins: That would make life easier. To me, this gets into a "who's on top" discussion. If I see OSGi as some sort of container container, then I would need to be able to support mutlipe runtimes (just like a web container supports multiple web apps)...
[08:32am] jhawkins: I don't have a dog in this hunt... just a question
[08:32am] rfeng joined the chat room.
[08:33am] jmarino: I'm wondering if it makes things simpler to assume one runtime per OSGi container? [08:33am] jhawkins: If we go with one runtime, then taking a fragment bundle approach is more defensible, and we can probably leverage more from OSGi. [08:33am] Nicole: Only to get the 'big picture'. If we have one runtime, I could (later also deploy an EJB in it?
[08:34am] jmarino: I think so
[08:34am] jmarino: are you guys o.k. with this assumption then?
[08:35am] jhawkins: Yes. What you probably wouldn't be able to do is deploy EJBs from different EJB versions. [08:35am] Nicole: One OSGi, one Tuscany Runtime, hosting several applications (with different implementations) makes sense for me
[08:35am] jhawkins: +1
[08:35am] jmarino: k should we dig deeper into the classloader assumptions?
[08:35am] Nicole: yes please
[08:36am] jhawkins: OK.
[08:36am] jmarino: in the current runtime we don't have this implemented yet but... [08:36am] jmarino: we were thinking extensions would be isolated from one another... [08:36am] jmarino: each composite that contained an extension would have its own classloader... [08:37am] jmarino: however, some extensions (e.g. Spring) reference classes internally that application code can also reference... [08:37am] jmarino: this means we need to "share" those classes from the extension to the application (which also has its won classloader)
[08:37am] jmarino: won = own
[08:38am] jhawkins: I think from the application point of view this is quite do-able...
[08:38am] jhawkins: but lets take an example from the extension world...
[08:38am] jhawkins: (finally figured out the ...s)
[08:39am] jhawkins: The Axis extension has a dep on axiom...
[08:39am] jhawkins: as does the databinding extension ...
[08:40am] jhawkins: Who should have responsibility for exposing axiom, and how do we determine the proper way to do this? Will we ahve enough info in the SCDL? [08:41am] jmarino: yes I believe we will have enough in SCDL. Perhaps we could also support doing so in the bundle manifest too? [08:41am] jmarino: In the case of SCDL, we would "tell" the OSGi container about it
[08:41am] Nicole: Should every extension expose its contained packages?
[08:42am] jmarino: I think only if it needs to
[08:42am] jmarino: some extensions may not need to expose anything
[08:42am] jmarino: that's probably rare though
[08:43am] Nicole: Ok, so this is the responsibility of the extension developer/provider to decide? [08:43am] jhawkins: Correct me if I'm wrong, but Nicole, is what yoru asking is should every extension expose what it's willing to expose? [08:44am] Nicole: The extension developer has to decide if its packages are required by others. In this case it exposes, otherwise not.
[08:45am] jhawkins: That sounds a lot like the OSGi export header.
[08:45am] jmarino: yes functionally I think it is very similar, except more coarse grained and may include things other than Java (e.g. WSDL QNames) [08:46am] Nicole: Yes, but how does the 'OSGi Core' know which extensions are available and how/from where to import? Dynamic import:*? [08:47am] jmarino: I was thinking in the SCA runtime we would have a "deployer" that took an archive (jar, bundle, etc) and than told the OSGi container about it [08:48am] jmarino: the "deployer" (actually provisioner may be a better term) could have gotten the archive from some other place, e.g. in a network of these runtimes [08:49am] jmarino: or it could just be a file system directory with some scanner that picks up new archives [08:49am] jhawkins: There's probably two cases here - one for 'untranslated' bundles, and one for OSGi-packaged bundles. [08:49am] jhawkins: I want to get back to how we install these into the runtime...
[08:50am] jmarino: k
[08:50am] jhawkins: basically, I want to get some closure on the fragment bundle question. [08:51am] jmarino: k this related to the question of sharing various classes/packages between an application and an extension or between two extensions?
[08:51am] jhawkins: Between tow extensions.(two)
[08:52am] jhawkins: I'm assuming we want to package applicationsa as bundles, right?
[08:52am] jmarino: yes I think so
[08:53am] Nicole: This would mean that a SCA developer has to know OSGi if he wants to deploy its application in Tuscany running in OSGi? [08:54am] jhawkins: Yes. And would probably need to know which imports his choice of bindings/services would require (a nice tooling opportunity).
[08:55am] Nicole: Ok, with a nice tooling everything is possible.
[08:55am] jmarino: maybe we could start with this assumption and then later if we need to we could support deploying other types of archives?
[08:55am] jhawkins: OK. Back to extension?
[08:55am] jmarino: I imagine this would work similar to extensions?
[08:55am] jhawkins:
[08:55am] Nicole: Yes, same discussion
[08:56am] jmarino:  back to extensions sounds good to me
[08:56am] jmarino: are fragments the best way to go for sharing?
[08:57am] jhawkins: Well, they're dead easy.
[08:57am] jhawkins: There a nice way of extending bundle functionality without a lot of code.
[08:57am] jmarino: so maybe you could give me a quick tutorial...
[08:58am] Nicole: The host will know classes provided in both extensions, but how can extension 1 access classes of extension2?
[08:58am] jhawkins: OK. Pardon my elipses. ...
[08:58am] jhawkins: What a fragment bundle does is basically hitch itself to a single host bundle's classloader... [09:00am] jhawkins: OSGi appends the bundles non-conflicting imports to the host bunldes, and exposes non-conflicting exports as if they were part of the host. [09:00am] jhawkins: It's a great way to modularize something like Axis, where you've got lots of optional components. [09:01am] jmarino: k so I could say "share everything in this fragment" or "share part of what is in this fragment"?
[09:01am] jhawkins: Yes.
[09:02am] jhawkins: You can also let OSGi deal with the Axiom issue, such that you could resolve Axiom from a seperate bundle. [09:03am] jhawkins: What you lose is the absolute classloader isolation, such that you could run extesnions with conflicting dependencies.
[09:04am] jmarino: Nicole, what do you think?
[09:05am] Nicole: I think fragment bundles are a good and easy solution.
[09:05am] jhawkins: You also lose the ability to dynamically start/ stop extensions. Not sure if that's a plus or a minus. [09:05am] jhawkins: So perhaps out manifest translation target is a fragment bundle? [09:06am] Nicole: But if extension 1 requires classes from extension 2 it's a simple import/export independend of the fragment stuff.
[09:06am] jhawkins: Yes.
[09:07am] Nicole: Can we update a fragment bundle?
[09:08am] jhawkins: You can uninstall/reinstall. Not sure about update, but I think that would be just an uninstall/reinstall combo... [09:08am] jhawkins: I'd imagine that a management interface exposed by the SCA core would support the extension refresh, among other things. [09:09am] Nicole: I'm wondering why uninstall/install works but start/ stop does not. But anyway if update works, we should not have problems. [09:10am] jhawkins: I'll toss a note into the Equinox list to see if I can get some historical perspective on that.
[09:11am] Nicole: What do you think Jim, should we go with fragments?
[09:12am] jmarino: I'll defer to you guys. If you think that is the best way then we should use that. My OSGi knowledge is pretty basic. [09:12am] jmarino: it sounds like they are the way to go based on what you said [09:12am] Nicole: You should have a look to Joels prototype and see how it works
[09:14am] jmarino: Joel, were you using bundles or fragments?
[09:14am] jhawkins: I guess my big question is what is the primary reason for independent classloaders for extensions. Is it visibility restriction to the app layer, or isolation between extensions. If it's isolation, then perhaps we need to think harder.
[09:14am] jmarino: It's both
[09:14am] jhawkins: Bundles for apps, fragments for extensions.
[09:14am] jmarino: we need to isolate between extensions in case they have a conflicting dependency
[09:15am] jmarino: that is, two "separate" extensions
[09:15am] jmarino: e.g. Axis and Spring
[09:15am] jhawkins: Then I'm afraid fragments won't work for us.
[09:16am] jmarino: ok let's take an example
[09:16am] jmarino: say I have Spring and Axis
[09:17am] jmarino: both depend on Axiom, but Spring requires v1 and Axis needs v2. They do not need to interoperate.
[09:17am] jmarino: could fragments give us the right isolation?
[09:18am] rfeng: fragments will be logically part of the same bundle, no isolation between fragments [09:18am] jhawkins: Right. First fragment will get to pick Axiom, and the other is hosed.
[09:19am] jmarino: hey Raymond
[09:20am] Nicole: Axiom is an extension bundle and all three are fragments with one core host? [09:21am] rfeng: BTW, I notice that Spring adopted a virtual bundle concept which dynamically creates bundles around regular jars so the runtime will deal with bundles [09:21am] Nicole: Why importing from the fragment host and not directly (with correct version) from Axiom bundle?
[09:21am] rfeng: hi, jim
[09:21am] jmarino: so I was thinking Spring would be one extension "archive", Axis another...they would declare dependencies on different versions of Axiom. Axiom would be a jar [09:23am] jhawkins: Yes. Here's where the fragment bundle part of the spec's definition of 'conflicting' trips us up. Since the fragment bundles basically get appended to the host (as Raymond pointed out)... [09:24am] jhawkins: the first fragment loaded will set up an import definition for axiom that will conflict with the next fragment, if you're lucky... [09:24am] jhawkins: You may wind up with a split package (and a reall mess) if nobody put version ranges into theire manifests.
[09:25am] Nicole: Ok, understood. Back to dynamic import:*?
[09:25am] jmarino: so are the Spring and Axis extensions fragments of the runtime bundle?
[09:26am] jhawkins: Nicole - looking like it. Jim, yes.
[09:26am] jmarino: k so you are instead saying they should be bundles?
[09:27am] jhawkins: Yes. I think so (sighs wistfully)
[09:27am] jmarino: Nicole, do you think that is ok?
[09:28am] Nicole: Yes, we should have a look to it. I'm not sure how performant this dynamic import stuff is. Whenever an import is required, the runtime has to search for it.
[09:28am] Nicole: So I believe it depends on the number of bundles.
[09:29am] jmarino: k so dynamic import will be performed by the runtime as it encounters dependencies in extension SCDL? [09:29am] jhawkins: Yeah. With fragments, all you needed was a bundle dependency. Ah well. [09:30am] Nicole: If the runtime has not already imported the required classes, it starts searching for it in all (because of *) other bundles. [09:31am] Nicole: There is another concept, Buddy ClassLoading (not OSGi R4, but maybe R4.1), is an Eclipse feature. [09:32am] Nicole: You can define your bundle (e.g. your extension bundle) as buddy for the runtime. [09:32am] Nicole: The runtime will search ONLY in the buddies for required classes.
[09:34am] jhawkins: Sounds like we need to go do a bit of research.
[09:34am] jmarino: yes
[09:35am] Nicole: Yes, at work I got already an action item to find out the performance drawback of Dynamic Import.
[09:35am] jmarino: k Nicole do you want to take a look at that?
[09:35am] Nicole: Yes
[09:36am] jmarino: is that maybe a good place to break? Nicole would you have enough info to go off and investigate? We could reconvene when you have something to share?
[09:36am] jmarino: (a few days or however long it takes)
[09:37am] Nicole: Yes, I'm planning to do an evaluation with dynamic imports and will come back to you with the results. [09:37am] jmarino: in the meantime we could discuss on the list and then set up more IRC sessions if needed?
[09:37am] Nicole: Fine
[09:37am] jhawkins: Works for me.
[09:38am] Nicole: Ok, have a nice day!
[09:38am] jmarino: k let's do that. I'll post this transcript to the list and we can follow-up there
[09:38am] jmarino: k you too
[09:38am] jhawkins: Great. Cheers.

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