Steven D'Aprano wrote:

> On Wed, Jan 10, 2018 at 07:29:58PM +0100, Peter Otten wrote:
> [...]
>>             elif not isinstance(obj, property):
>>                 attrs[attr] = property(lambda self, obj=obj: obj)
>> PS: If you don't remember why the obj=obj is necessary:
>> Python uses late binding; without that trick all lambda functions would
>> return the value bound to the obj name when the for loop has completed.
> This is true, but I think your terminology is misleading. For default
> values to function parameters, Python uses *early* binding, not late
> binding: the default value is computed once at the time the function is
> created, not each time it is needed.

You are right; I should have stated clearly where I was talking about the 

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