It seems that your link to the stylesheet is just pointing to the wrong

Like the others said, check to make sure you are pointing to the right
place of the CSS file by typing it into the web browser.  If you use the
link you gave : "http://localhost/cgi-bin/style1.css"; what shows up?
Anything?  From this link it says that your style sheet is in your
cgi-bin directory.  

On Thu, 2008-04-10 at 14:22 -0600, Alex Krycek wrote:
> Hi,
> I've looked all over the internet but have not found an answer to my
> question. How do I apply an external stylesheet to the XHTML in a
> Python script? I tried to include the standard "<link rel='stylesheet'
> type='text/css' href='style1.css' />"" in with the rest of the printed
> XHTML. But that didn't work. I changed the href attribute to
> "/style1.css", then to "../style1.css" and finally to
> "http://localhost/cgi-bin/style1.css";, all failed attempts. Just so
> you know, both sets of permissions for these two files have been set
> to 755. I tried other cgi scripts (still residing in the cgi-bin) and
> they did work. I checked the error log, and this is what I'm getting:
> (2)No such file or directory.
> When I took both files out of my cgi-bin, as a test, the CSS rules
> were
> implemented. I'm not sure why it stops working when located in the cgi-bin 
> folder.
> Thanks!
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