Hello Tutors,

I am a programming beginner. Throughout college, I have not properly grasp 
anything the professor’s teach but when i sat on my own with a couple of 
materials and videos, I have become very good at the basics of python and 
completing various beginner courses and projects with ease but however I have 
run into some kind of “beginner wall” where I don’t know where or what to take 
on next. This is killing my excitement. I think this isn’t something new to 
experienced programmers to hear. That’s why I am asking for help. Please any 
advice would help a dedicated one here. I don’t know what to do next with the 
knowledge I have acquired. People keep saying “get into open source” , “do that 
and that”. I wish they actually knew how someone like me feel. There are so 
many videos, articles and materials to get you to know basics and also become a 
top expert but almost nothing on how to transition into that. That’s exactly 
how I’m feeling. 

Hoping to receive some kind words.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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