I'm looking for help on the proper installation of Python and the Text editor, 
Atom. I'm a Data Science major at Penn State, and I knew I had Python 2.7.x 
already installed on my computer, but last semester in one of my classes we 
downloaded Enthought Canopy and used that for some scientific Python work. Time 
went by, and now it's summer and I've struck up an interest in web-scraping, 
but for the life of me I can't figure out how to set up a solid environment for 
Python 3.5.x on my computer. I've tried so many things that it's just become 
kind of a mess. I have a number of questions and problems with my installation 
that I'm sure all it would take is for someone who actually understands the 
terminal, installation process, and just how all this works to come and get me 
straightened out. If anyone would be willing to help me, I'd greatly appreciate 
Thank you,Vince Trost
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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