

I am a python newbie.  I am reading this book (Python Programming for the
Absolute Beginner).  I am on Chapter 7, Question 2.  


"Improve the Trivia Challenge game so that it maintains a high-scores list
in a file. The program should record the player's name and score. Store the
high scores using a pickled object."

I have the following code so far:


def high_score():

    """Records a player's score"""


    high_scores = []


    #add a score // Do current stuff for adding a new score...

    name = input("What is your name? ")

    player_score = int(input("What is your score? "))

    entry = (name, player_score)



    high_scores = high_scores[:5]       # keep only top five


    # dump scores

    f = open("pickles1.dat", "wb")

    pickle.dump(high_scores, f)



    f = open("pickles1.dat", "rb")

    high_scores = pickle.load(f)




When I execute this program in the main() program I get only the existing
single name, player_score list combination stored in the pickles1.dat file.


Can someone walk me through how it can store all the values each time the
program is ran?



Zack H.



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