
I'm also confused about what you are trying to do. Are you writing a 
client application that talks to a web application? A web application 
that talks to a different web application? A new part of an existing web 
application? What are you using for? What does facebook have to 
do with it? You have to give a clearer description of what you need.

The request object is a server-side object that will be specific to the 
web framework in use - the Django request object will most likely be 
different from the request object. Also the way sessions are 
maintained will differ between frameworks. They will contain similar 
information but differ in the specifics.


> Forwarding to the group in the hope someone 
> may know the answer. 
> --- anil maran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2007 16:57:01 -0800 (PST)
>> From: anil maran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Subject: Reg http request object
>> To: Alan Gauld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Hi Alan
>>  I m using webpy
>>  The code was written for Django
>>  facebook uses Request  http object and I need to get it and
>> use it for processing the content after the user logs into
>> facebook. This is part of facebook dev program.
>> So I need to get my hands on the HTTP request object in
>> facebook.. do help me out
>> Thanks
>>> Here is the problem the example usage is in Django
>>> and they are talking about a request object
>>>    if 'session_key' in request.session and 'uid' in
>>> request.session:
>>>        fb.session_key =
>>> request.session['session_key']
>>> Anyone can tell me how I can access this in webpy
>>> Isnt flup something that is set from webpy,
>> OK, I\'m confused.
>> Can you clarify what is happening for me?
>> Are you using Django? Are you using webpy? Or both?
>> Also what is flup? I\'ve never heard of it...
>> Also what is the \'this\' that you want to access in webpy?
>> Is it the request or the session? Or do you want to
>> access Django code from webpy?
>> As I say, I\'m confused about what you are using
>> and what you want us to help you with?
>> Alan G.
>> Who is learning TurnoGears and knows next to
>> nothing about webpy and only a little about Django...
>> ",1] ); D(["mb","- Show quoted text -
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>> Tutor maillist  -
>> ",0] ); D(["ce"]);  //-->OK, I'm confused.
>> Can you clarify what is happening for me?
>> Are you using Django? Are you using webpy? Or both?
>> Also what is flup? I've never heard of it...
>> Also what is the 'this' that you want to access in webpy?
>> Is it the request or the session? Or do you want to
>> access Django code from webpy?
>> As I say, I'm confused about what you are using
>> and what you want us to help you with?
>> Alan G.
>> Who is learning TurnoGears and knows next to
>> nothing about webpy and only a little about Django...
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