Bob Gailer wrote:
Andre Engels wrote:
Is it possible to define a class in such a way, that if twice an
object is made with the same initialization parameters, the same
object is returned in both cases?
Use a "factory" function, and store a dictionary of instances as a class 

class myObj(object):
  instances = {}
  def __init__(self,a):
    # the rest of your code 

def makemyObj(a):
  if a in myObj.instances:
    return myObj.instances[a]
    new_instance =  myObj(a)
    myObj.instances[a] = new_instance 
    return new_instance 
I neglected to show the function call:

a = makemyObj("a")
b = makemyObj("b")
c = makemyObj("a")

a and c will point to the same object
b will be a different object
Tutor maillist  -

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