> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mike Eve
> Sent: Sunday, December 05, 2004 6:21 PM
> Subject: [Tutor] Socket events and wxPython events?

Hey Mike,
<snipped intro about tying GUI-network code together>
> I'm thinking about 3 approaches, but rather than beat my head 
> against the wall, I was hoping to find out if any  of these 
> are workable:

Here are my thoughts.  You might have better luck on the wxPython users
mailing list if this doesn't help point you in the right direction.
> 1) use sockets lib. Do socket send/recv generate any kind of 
> event with an event id that can used with the wxPython window 
> events? That is, I want to just sit and receive events such 
> as OnPaint, OnButton, in the same loop as I receive 
> "OnReceiveSocket" (or whatever it might be called).

Python sockets are pretty basic, and do not tie in to wxPython as far as
I know.
> 2) create a separate thread which does a select then sends a 
> wxPython compatible event which can be intermixed with 
> OnPaint, etc (similar to option 1)

This sounds doable - maybe combined with option 1 or 3.
> 3) use SocketServer. I noticed the  SocketServer class refers 
> to "request handler class" and "handle" functions. Do these 
> generate any events which are wxPython compatible

By default, SocketServer will probably not interface with wxPython as
far as generating events goes.
> You probably noticed I'm a little confused about what a 
> wxPython compatible event is. I'm not sure if these events 
> and their event handling are part of Python or something 
> added by  and unique to wxPython.

wxPython provides the event processing framework.  Using any of these
approaches, it sounds like you want to create a custom event and have
your network portion of the code fire that event.  Check out the
PythonEvents demo in the wxPython demo to see some sample code
implementing a custom event.

> Thanks, Mike



Tutor maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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