Bug summary
Summary for 2015-03-29 through 2015-04-05
                  Opened     Closed      Total     Change
Enhancements:          3          3       1272         +0
Defects:               0          1        780         -1
Tasks:                 0          0         98         +0
Regressions:           0          0          8         +0
Total:                 3          4       2158         -1

|== Type Changes   |== Priority Changes   |== Component Changes   
|Defect:       -1  |Normal:  -1           |Conch:  -1             
|Enhancement:  +0                         |Core:   +1             
                                          |Trial:  -1             

Total Tickets Open Tickets
New / Reopened Bugs ______________________ ===== Normal ===== [#7839] Improve IOCP reactor accept reliability or documentation (opened by adiroiban) enhancement core http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/7839 [#7840] allow ClientFactory objects to work properly in connect() (opened by TheAnarcat) enhancement core http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/7840 [#7841] LimitedHistoryObserver uses too much memory (opened by burak) enhancement core http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/7841 Closed Bugs ______________________ ===== Normal ===== [#7835] twisted.cred._digest miscorrectly handles md5-sess (opened by hawkowl, closed by hawkowl, fixed) defect core http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/7835 [#7751] Support IPv6 hostnames in SSHConnectForwardingChannel (opened by mkuron, closed by adiroiban, fixed) enhancement conch http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/7751 [#7804] Port twisted.python.modules on py3 for trial (opened by adiroiban, closed by hawkowl, fixed) enhancement core http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/7804 [#6306] Improve output of trial TestCase assertions. (opened by tom.prince, closed by exarkun, fixed) enhancement trial http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/6306 Ticket Lifetime Stats ______________________ Oldest open ticket - [#50] conch command-line client doesn't work in win32 (since 2003-07-12 14:41:06). Newest open ticket - [#7841] LimitedHistoryObserver uses too much memory (since 2015-04-03 02:58:20.713773). Mean open ticket age: 1541 days, 7:24:47.174447. Median: 1281 days, 2:02:27.428785. Standard deviation: 1052 days, 1:26:09.223729. Interquartile range: 1605 days, 2:34:27. Mean time between ticket creation and ticket resolution: 630 days, 16:01:39.253027. Median: 96 days, 21:16:49.400152. Standard deviation is 902 days, 9:43:48.962968. The interquartile range is 977 days, 3:59:40. Mean time spent in review: 109 days, 19:20:57.933652. Median: 5 days, 9:01:20. Standard deviation: 486 days, 21:30:19.408341. Interquartile range: 24 days, 9:00:16. Mean number of times a ticket is reviewed: 1.9388761091. Median: 1 Standard deviation: 1.52130568956. Interquartile range: 1. Contributor Stats ______________________ In the last 4 weeks, 12 unique ticket reporters 7 unique ticket reviewers 5 unique ticket resolvers In the last 24 weeks, 54 unique ticket reporters 12 unique ticket reviewers 8 unique ticket resolvers In the last 48 weeks, 106 unique ticket reporters 25 unique ticket reviewers 17 unique ticket resolvers
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