I probably am simply misunderstanding something, but I'm getting what
I think are odd results in calls to home_timeline when using the count
and page parameters.  For example, if I set the count to be 100, and
then simply start with page 1, then fetch successive pages I run into
two issues:

1) I don't always get 100 tweets back, even though I specified 100 for
the count.
2) I get zero tweets back on about page 9, yet, according to the
pagination and rate limiting docs, I should be able to do about 32
pages (rate limit of 3200 tweets, with asking for 100 per page)

E.g. my script spits out:

Processing 98 tweets on page 1...
Processing 99 tweets on page 2...
Processing 99 tweets on page 3...
Processing 100 tweets on page 4...
Processing 97 tweets on page 5...
Processing 100 tweets on page 6...
Processing 97 tweets on page 7...
Processing 99 tweets on page 8...
Processing 0 tweets on page 9...

I'm not using a since parameter (yet), since this is the initial run.
Thus, I'm trying to understand how I can go through a history of
tweets and ensure I've gotten as many back as I can per the rate and
pagination limits.  Can someone explain why I wouldn't get 100 tweets
per page, and then why it seems to drop off after returning roughly
800 tweets (8 pages)?

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