hi Bob

Thanks for your links. Here are my answers:

Twitter is - I think - the best vehicle for what I want to achieve, users
generated sitcoms. Here's the definition that I have set on

- For a given location and a given time slot, a *selected* small number of
people (the Cast) will be exchanging.
- The content will mostly be text (ie line of 140 char) but can include
images (fed ie through TwitPic).
- It is a real time exchange but would ideally been prepared
- These events are scheduled

The platform is Twitcom.com for each episode. Twitter ' followers' can
comment as the episode evolve but the comments are not part of teh sitcom
Each twitcom episode is sponsored for the duration for its duration.
(commercial breaks would break the momentum)

I take your point that inputs could come from other social platforms ie
Facebook, YouTube but it complexify something that is rather simple (?)

Voila in short the project. Let me know your thoughts

On another note, your profile lists the email *
gest...@fiduciairegenerale.com* <gest...@fiduciairegenerale.com> so you
might spreak french (?)
thanks <http://www.linkedin.com/pub/jean-francois-gagn%C3%A9/0/3b5/585>

On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 10:03 AM, Admin_Gen

> Why twitter ?
> There is a subsequent number of options. Watch out that site where I
> added the last message (bob saint clar).
> http://mashable.com/2007/07/25/open-source-social-platforms/?dsq=11452830#comment-11452830
> Why twitter and not facebook, or other ? Why that choice ?
> Is it what your body is telling you, or did that choice come from a
> structured analysis.
> http://online.wsj.com/article/SB124571709339739367.html
> Thank you for your reply.
> Bob

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