Hi everyone.

I have requested whitelisting 2 times, and got response twice, but
still I see in my headers that i'm limited to 100 requests...Anyway,
heres the strange part

when i'm doing

curl -u xuser:xpass http://twitter.com/friendships/create/ndotnanda.xml

I am getting a error saying "rate limit exceeded"
when checking my header I see, X-RateLimit Limit 100 and Remaining: 0

Ok, so maybe it didn't propagate through the servers yet, no
problem..the curl was wrong anyways I should have POSTed

so I do

curl -u xuser:xpass http://twitter.com/friendships/create/ndotnanda.xml
-d ""

Now, it goes OK. I am now following that user. But, what about the
rate limit I got when GET'ing?

Anyone have any idea? The rate limit (HTTP error 400) thing, could
that as well be a bad request and not rate limit perse? But what about
the headers then?

Hope someone can shed some light on this, thank you very much
kind regards,
Marco Kotrotsos

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