Hey guys,

I wrote a Twitter firefox plugin that (for me) solves a "groups" problem I
was having. Basically, I wanted to be able to send filtered tweets to
selected individuals. Rather than simply adding hash tags and parsing out
tweets, I wanted to have groups where I could send tweets to multiple people
at once, and yet not to the entire world. I solved this problem with a very
hackish plugin I'm calling "Twitfilter".

It's basically a heavily modified version of an existing plugin, Twitbin,
with a new feature called "Filters". Upon logging in, you click on
"Filters", add the names of the people you want to contact, enter the tweet,
and click send. It automatically sends a direct message to all those
people.  I'm still trying to fix a timing issue, and some of the gui needs
to be cleaned up (I was up very late this morning writing this), but the
core concept is there. In other words, it's extremely alpha (version 0.1).

What do you guys think?



Current official documentation:
1. To use this, you must already have a twitter account.
2. Download and Install the plugin, restart firefox, and you'll see a blue
bird icon to the left of your address bar.
3. Click on that, and either click on login (mouseover the buttons until you
find it) or click "FRIENDS".
4. This allows you to log in, and effectively drops a plugin cookie
preserving some semblance of state.
5. Then click on "FILTERS"
6. Enter the screennames of people you want to contact
7. Click the "Mass Distribute Tweet" field to enter a message
8. Click "Filter Tweets!"

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