We want to get the replies to our tweets, which I would have thought
was simple enough ... but proves not to be so ...

Using "Mentions" is one mechanism which looks like it will work OK,
but I'm reading that using the Search API is the recommended route.

Using the Search route, with to:user works just fine, but doesn't
include the in_reply_to_status_id field, so we can't tell which
message it was in reply to. I read on here somewhere that this is to
be included in an API upgrade at some point ... anyone got any idea
when this will be?

If you like our algorithm is ... We post a tweet every hour, we want
to scan on an hourly basis for all replies to us, and collate them in
our system against the tweet they were in reply to ...

Are we taking the best approach, is there a better way, or do we just
use the Mentions feature of the REST API till the Search API gets
in_reply_to_status_id populated?

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