I used the twitter API search query "maker" to create a query. In a browser it returns a JSON file with the expected amount of entries for the first page. I use the same url query with my javascript application using an Ajax.Request. This returns only about two entries and a half entries and the last entry is not complete. I should get 50 entries from the first Ajax request. I do get 50 entries from the browser for the same query. Here is the code - is there a parameter I'm missing in either the url or the Ajax request? Any recommendations or suggestions would be appreciated. thanks, James
Assistant.prototype.twitterRequest = function(){ url="http://search.twitter.com/search.json?q=&ands=&phrase=&ors= %24BAC+%24BTU+ %24LLY¬s=&tag=&lang=en&from=&to=&ref=&near=&within=15&units=mi&since=&until=&rpp=50"; new Ajax.Request(url, { method: 'get', requestHeaders: { Accept: 'application/json' }, onSuccess: function(transport){ var json = transport.responseText; } }) };