+1 too. I want to test a new concept using lists as opposite to
multiple accounts. I read something about a limit of the number of
lists (20?) which is quite low for what I'm planning but maybe that
limit will be changed until the product is ready


On Oct 24, 7:47 am, Marc Mims <marc.m...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I uploaded a development release of Net::Twitter to CPAN with Lists API
> support.  If you're a perl developer and you're on the Lists beta,
> please test it and give me some feedback.
> Download it here:http://search.cpan.org/~mmims/Net-Twitter-3.07999_01/
> For documentation see:
>     perldoc Net::Twitter::Role::API::Lists
> You'll need to include the API::Lists trait:
>     my $nt = Net::Twitter->new(traits => ['API::Lists', ...], ...);
> You can always use the "user" parameter as the first placeholder
> argument to any of the API calls.  Any or all of the parameters included
> in the API URL can be passed as placeholder arguments.  Additional
> arguments are passed by name in a HASH ref as the final argument.  Any
> or all parameters can be passed in the HASH ref.
> For example, these calls are equivalent:
>     my $list = $nt->create_list(perl_api =>
>         { name => 'test', mode => private }
>     );
>     my $list = $nt->create_list({
>         user => 'perl_api',
>         name => 'test',
>         mode => 'private',
>     });
> In my own testing, I've noticed that the update_list call always returns
> a 500 status, even though it succeeds.  That's probably a Twitter bug
> that will be worked out.
> The Lists API support is experimental.  It will very likely change
> before a final release.  Feedback welcome.
>         -Marc

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