try replacing the space character with +

so before setting your update something like this

tweet = Replace(tweet," ","+")

the problem you are having is probably related to url encoding of the
transmitted message....

On Aug 13, 7:23 pm, catcalls <> wrote:
> Oh, the problem is the DLL. I mean, how many ways can you encode a
> space?
> I can use the DLL to search, follow, and update a single word to my
> twitter account - but as soon as I use a space it fails. Believe me,
> it's the DLL. Furthermore, the update to the DLL (which he claims
> works) does not compile on my machine.
> Finally, I am his client, because I am using his wares. If you are
> coding for yourself, you do not release it onto the net. You only do
> that to get people like me, as clients.
> I offer support on all my open source work. I frequently release code
> - but the difference is - I test my code before release.
> As for your other suggestions - they are BETA - I want something that
> actually works and is at least 1.0
> On Aug 13, 11:27 pm, Mark Turner <> wrote:
> > On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 2:48 PM, catcalls<> wrote:
> > > I've been using a free Twitter API Interface that was coded in C# and
> > > I imported the DLL and it was working fine until I discovered I cannot
> > > post spaces to twitter updates! I mean, WHAT!?
> > I'm willing to bet that the problem is not the DLL.
> > > So, I have basically coded this application with full interaction with
> > > this DLL and wasted the past three days of my time because the
> > > original coder was too lazy to get it to work for his clients.
> > Rude. If you got it for free don't complain, nobody works on
> > open-source/free libraries for anyone but themselves. The take the
> > time out of their day to package it up and put it out there so other
> > people can try to save time or headache or use their sweet ass code.
> > They don't have to help you in any way, shape or form unless the
> > choose to do so.
> > And I sincerely doubt he would call you his 'client'.
> > > So, can someone recommend a library that they used and was really
> > > pleased with - I don't mind paying a small fee for something that
> > > actually works you see.
> > > I have a complete app coded that just needs the API Interface to work.
> > > I tried rewriting some OAuth code but kept getting nonce errors so I
> > > gave up. I might go back to that again though if this request fails as
> > > a last resort.
> > A whole four seconds of googling brought up a page full of libraries
> > and examples in a large amount of languages including .net ones.
> >
> > And here is something that look promising:
> > Main:
> > Source:
> > Docs:
> > Demos:
> > Would you please stop asking for help here, its clogging
> > up the 7gb that google gives me. Head over tohttp://oauth.netfor
> > help.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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