I've been seeing the same thing - it started about 3 days ago. I
installed a q&d delay/retry loop to manage it and log the times on a
couple of API calls - rate_limit_status.json & test.json

It seems to be mostly gone today - has only happened once so far at

Yesterday this was a continual problem, with a solid burst locking me
out from 14:46:05 to 14:47:16 (I'm retrying every 3 seconds), and
ongoing from that point sporadically, at times replying with nothing
for 3 or 4 retries before getting a reasonable reply until 19:45:04 -
and other than the 1 today, no problems at all from that point.

On Feb 19, 4:53 pm, Chris <chris.rick...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Howdy,
> I am making API calls to Twitter using PHP ('Arc90 Twitter API Client'
> Library) to update a users status, and about 3 out of 10 times CURL
> returns a HTTP status code of 0 - with no other data returned.
> But if I try again and again it will usually work within a few
> repeats. Does anyone have any ideas about this?
> Thanks for your help,
> Chris.

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