Hi All,

Wondering what everyone's feelings would be toward making this a
private list.  It is becoming more apparent that the feed for this
list is being used to blast out posts to the void almost immediately
after posting and makes it hard to ask "private"/closed group
questions or get feedback about an unlaunched app before you go public
with it.

Case in point:

I just posted about my iPhone webapp a little while ago asking for dev
feedback before announcing it publicly, and already there are 3 tweets
linking to the post:

There was also at least one blog that would just copy the content of
every post from the RSS feed and jam a ton of ads around it hoping to
get clicks off of people just searching for twitter related stuff.

I've never admin'd a Google Group before, but is there a way to make
this list a little more closed?  Or at least turn off the RSS feed?


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