
thanks. I will implement seeing from:me by getting the timeline once an hour
and looking for my own tweets.


On Thu, Sep 9, 2010 at 11:41 AM, <
> wrote:

>   Today's Topic Summary
> Group: http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/topics
>    - When did user x follow me? <#12af728c13d2126a_group_thread_0> [1
>    Update]
>    - how to get the followers of a given 
> user?<#12af728c13d2126a_group_thread_1>[2 Updates]
>    - search api - since date format <#12af728c13d2126a_group_thread_2> [2
>    Updates]
>    - Error when accessing some of the methods from 
> Twitter4j<#12af728c13d2126a_group_thread_3>[1 Update]
>    - since_date or max_date or until or since for 
> user_timeline<#12af728c13d2126a_group_thread_4>[1 Update]
>    - Twitter oAuth file not return token<#12af728c13d2126a_group_thread_5>[1 
> Update]
>    - OAuth 2.0 status? <#12af728c13d2126a_group_thread_6> [2 Updates]
>    - User_Timeline - include_rts not 
> working<#12af728c13d2126a_group_thread_7>[2 Updates]
>    - help with accessing the streaming 
> api<#12af728c13d2126a_group_thread_8>[7 Updates]
>    - Latitudes and Longitudes in the "Location" 
> Field<#12af728c13d2126a_group_thread_9>[2 Updates]
>    - Friends and Followers Resources for Protected 
> Accounts<#12af728c13d2126a_group_thread_10>[1 Update]
>    - List Widget code upgraded yet? <#12af728c13d2126a_group_thread_11> [1
>    Update]
>    - from:me in search <#12af728c13d2126a_group_thread_12> [2 Updates]
>   Topic: When did user x follow 
> me?<http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/t/9f649e382e93c32d>
>    Matt Harris <thematthar...@twitter.com> Sep 09 08:29AM -0700 
> ^<#12af728c13d2126a_digest_top>
>    Hi Dan,
>    We don't have the information about when someone started following you
>    available on the API. We do allow you to opt-in to new follower
>    notification emails though, so you could receive those going forward
>    to keep a record of when different users followed you.
>    What does happen is the friends and followers lists return users in
>    the order they followed you (followers), or you followed them
>    (friends), with the most recent being first. Whilst you cannot obtain
>    the time the connection was created, you can get the order.
>    I hope that answers your question,
>    Matt
>    --
>    Matt Harris
>    Developer Advocate, Twitter
>    http://twitter.com/themattharris
>   Topic: how to get the followers of a given 
> user?<http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/t/c104ccce88e1e35c>
>    Victor Fang <vic...@gmail.com> Sep 09 08:15AM -0700 
> ^<#12af728c13d2126a_digest_top>
>    i'm working on a research project and wanna build the twitter follower
>    graph. Please help! Thanks! :)
>    Taylor Singletary <taylorsinglet...@twitter.com> Sep 09 08:27AM -0700 
> ^<#12af728c13d2126a_digest_top>
>    In addition to the more basic instructions on accessing the REST API
>    and
>    authorization you'll find on http://dev.twitter.com (be sure and
>    register an
>    application if you haven't already), you'll specifically want to read
>    these
>    documents on followings:
>    http://dev.twitter.com/doc/get/followers/ids
>    http://dev.twitter.com/doc/get/friends/ids
>    http://dev.twitter.com/doc/get/users/lookup
>    Taylor
>   Topic: search api - since date 
> format<http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/t/649c6a6902463a7c>
>    arian <arianpasqu...@gmail.com> Sep 09 08:15AM -0700 
> ^<#12af728c13d2126a_digest_top>
>    hi guys, I have a question about search api
>    about 'until' parameter to be more exactly
>    according to documentation until is "Optional. Returns tweets
>    generated before the given date. Date should be formatted as YYYY-MM-
>    DD.
>    example: http://search.twitter.com/search.json?until=2010-03-28";
>    I need to know if its possible to set datetime, for example
>    http://search.twitter.com/search.json?until=2010-09-08-19:00"; or
>    something like this.
>    according to doc date should be formatted as YYYY-MM-DD, but I need
>    inform time, if its possible what would be the string format in this
>    case?
>    is it possible? or how could I get a similar result?
>    Arian
>    Taylor Singletary <taylorsinglet...@twitter.com> Sep 09 08:23AM -0700 
> ^<#12af728c13d2126a_digest_top>
>    Hi Arian,
>    A date string really is the only valid format for this function. If you
>    want
>    to cut the search off by certain times of day, you're best off
>    post-processing your results for that kind of resolution.
>    Thanks,
>    Taylor
>   Topic: Error when accessing some of the methods from 
> Twitter4j<http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/t/3a9f919409056691>
>    Ennio <enniobozze...@gmail.com> Sep 09 08:13AM -0700 
> ^<#12af728c13d2126a_digest_top>
>    I keep getting this error when I access some of the methods.
>    401:Authentication credentials were missing or incorrect. {"request":"/
>    1/account/verify_credentials.json","error":"Invalid / expired Token"}
>    null
>    If I call the test() method I get the result YES, but when I try
>    verifyCredentials() I get this error... also I can get the Twitter
>    trends and some other ones... but when I try the StatusUpdate() I get
>    the same error.
>    any help on this... I do have my StoredAccessToken, StoredAccessSecret
>    Thanks
>   Topic: since_date or max_date or until or since for 
> user_timeline<http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/t/3d8a98831d7f9a62>
>    Taylor Singletary <taylorsinglet...@twitter.com> Sep 09 08:16AM -0700 
> ^<#12af728c13d2126a_digest_top>
>    Hi Grant,
>    Paging is still the best way to accomplish this, as we've yet to
>    implement
>    any date-or-time-specific filtering options to any REST timeline
>    methods.
>    Thanks,
>    Taylor
>   Topic: Twitter oAuth file not return 
> token<http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/t/b47435e558013e26>
>    Taylor Singletary <taylorsinglet...@twitter.com> Sep 09 08:15AM -0700 
> ^<#12af728c13d2126a_digest_top>
>    Are you saying that on your old server you were able to negotiate for a
>    request token on the api.twitter.com/oauth/request_token step but now
>    on
>    your new server you cannot?
>    I would check the server time on your new server, to determine if it is
>    in
>    sync with an NTP time server, or otherwise adjust the clock on demand
>    when
>    generating an oauth_timestamp to +/- 5 minutes of Twitter's server
>    time. Our
>    server time is returned in the "Date" HTTP header of every request.
>    Thanks,
>    Taylor
>   Topic: OAuth 2.0 
> status?<http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/t/d823cc0829c284f1>
>    mukgup <mukesh.gu...@gmail.com> Sep 09 07:26AM -0700 
> ^<#12af728c13d2126a_digest_top>
>    I also have the same question. What is the status for OAuth 2.0 in
>    twitter.
>    What I can see in the documentation is oAuth protocol only not oAuth
>    2.0
>    I am missing some thing here.
>    Thanks in advance for your replies.
>    Mukgup
>    Matt Harris <thematthar...@twitter.com> Sep 09 08:09AM -0700 
> ^<#12af728c13d2126a_digest_top>
>    Hey Mukgup,
>    OAuth 2 isn't supported on the API at the moment which is why there is
>    no documentation for it. Our Javascript API uses something similar but
>    this is handled by it's internal code and may change at anytime.
>    If OAuth 2 support is developed on the APIs we will announce it to the
>    developer community through the dev.twitter.com website, mailing lists
>    and @twitterapi.
>    I hope that answers your question.
>    Matt
>    --
>    Matt Harris
>    Developer Advocate, Twitter
>    http://twitter.com/themattharris
>   Topic: User_Timeline - include_rts not 
> working<http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/t/e60d1ef0250d0451>
>    timrnicholson <timrnichol...@gmail.com> Sep 09 07:30AM -0700 
> ^<#12af728c13d2126a_digest_top>
>    I'm properly calling api.twitter.com/1/statuses/user_timeline with
>    include_rts as true and retweets are not being included. The only
>    stream that I can get to return retweets (because it doesn't even
>    require the include_rts parameter) is the home_timeline.
>    For example, the following doesn't work:
> http://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/user_timeline/RWW.xml?count=20&page=1&include_rts=true
>    The worst part about this is not just that the include_rts parameter
>    doesn't work for including retweets, the returned timeline doesn't
>    even have 20 records in it when there are retweets. In other words,
>    the API is not only ignoring the include_rts parameter but its not
>    even returning the right number of requested records when it thinks
>    include_rts is false.
>    This totally screws up my pagination methods because I'm getting less
>    than the expected number of records back, so my app thinks there's no
>    more timeline to be retrieved. I certainly don't want to just always
>    include a "next page" link when there really aren't any more records
>    left.
>    Also, the count parameter is being ignored in all of this as well, but
>    I've latched on to another thread about that.
>    On Aug 30, 12:50 pm, Taylor Singletary <taylorsinglet...@twitter.com>
>    wrote:
>    Matt Harris <thematthar...@twitter.com> Sep 09 08:06AM -0700 
> ^<#12af728c13d2126a_digest_top>
>    Hey Tim,
>    When I run:
>    curl "
> http://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/user_timeline/RWW.xml?count=20&page=1&include_rts=true
>    "
>    I get the expected result of 20 statuses one retweet (from
>    @ConanOBrien). When you make the request are you running it like I am
>    or are you using a library?
>    To answer your query about the count parameter. The behavior is this:
>    we will try and return up to 'count' statuses in one request, where
>    count is equal to all statuses in the timeline before any filtering of
>    retweets. So, if you request 20 statuses without retweets, and 1 of
>    the statuses is a retweet, you will get 19 statuses back.
>    Hope that helps explain what is going on,
>    Matt
>    --
>    Matt Harris
>    Developer Advocate, Twitter
>    http://twitter.com/themattharris
>   Topic: help with accessing the streaming 
> api<http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/t/ebcb8fe5cfb02aef>
>    John Kalucki <j...@twitter.com> Sep 09 07:00AM -0700 
> ^<#12af728c13d2126a_digest_top>
>    Screenname and password. Your @username, not your email address.
>    -John
>    omri <omridek...@gmail.com> Sep 09 06:56AM -0700 
> ^<#12af728c13d2126a_digest_top>
>    this is the message i get :
>    File &quot;C:\Python26\lib\urllib2.py&quot;, line 516, in
>    http_error_default
>    raise HTTPError(req.get_full_url(), code, msg, hdrs, fp)
>    HTTPError: HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized
>    i think i dont know which username and password to type in the header
>    - 'Authorization' 'basic (username:password)
>    the twitter's username?
>    the twitter api oauth?
>    thanks
>    omri <omridek...@gmail.com> Sep 09 07:04AM -0700 
> ^<#12af728c13d2126a_digest_top>
>    a
>    Taylor Singletary <taylorsinglet...@twitter.com> Sep 09 07:03AM -0700 
> ^<#12af728c13d2126a_digest_top>
>    Hi Omri,
>    With basic auth, you don't use your consumer key or secret at all.
>    Consumer
>    key and secret are used when authorizing through OAuth, and the
>    implementation is a bit more detailed than putting them in a header.
>    In your case, you want to use basic authorization, which should be
>    easier
>    for your initial implementation.
>    Here are some pointers in the right direction for using basic auth with
>    Python's urllib2: http://docs.python.org/library/urllib2.html#examples
>    Taylor
>    omri <omridek...@gmail.com> Sep 09 07:45AM -0700 
> ^<#12af728c13d2126a_digest_top>
>    so..
>    succeded with the username and password but now i have :
>    HTTPError: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden
>    I need something special to have access to the streaming resources?
>    On 9 ספטמבר, 17:03, Taylor Singletary <taylorsinglet...@twitter.com>
>    wrote:
>    Taylor Singletary <taylorsinglet...@twitter.com> Sep 09 08:02AM -0700 
> ^<#12af728c13d2126a_digest_top>
>    Hi Omri,
>    The Streaming API has various levels of access. The most basic doesn't
>    require any kind of permission, and that's utilizing the sampling
>    resource,
>    documentation for which can be found here:
>    http://dev.twitter.com/pages/streaming_api_methods#statuses-sample and
>    http://dev.twitter.com/pages/streaming_api_concepts#sampling
>    For additional permissions, you'll want to fill out this form:
>    http://twitter.com/help/request_streaming as well as send a note to
>    a...@twitter.com (from the same email address associated with the
>    account you
>    used the form) specifically asking for the role that makes sense for
>    your
>    implementation.
>    It's best to get started with the sampling stream, as it lets you begin
>    coding against the streaming API from a stream that isn't too
>    aggressive in
>    the amount of data it will be throwing at you.
>    What are you interested in building?
>    Taylor
>    John Kalucki <j...@twitter.com> Sep 09 08:02AM -0700 
> ^<#12af728c13d2126a_digest_top>
>    Which URL are you requesting? What is the text message returned? Does
>    this
>    doc help? http://dev.twitter.com/pages/streaming_api_response_codes
>    -John
>   Topic: Latitudes and Longitudes in the "Location" 
> Field<http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/t/c10c90a980451137>
>    brentos <brent.he...@gmail.com> Sep 09 07:17AM -0700 
> ^<#12af728c13d2126a_digest_top>
>    Hi Folks,
>    Does anyone know from where these come? I'm speaking of the lat/lons
>    in the actual "Location" field of the user, not the new per-tweet
>    location stuff. It appears to be fixed for the vast majority of users
>    to a single latitude and longitude. Do certain clients insert this
>    once and then leave it?
>    Thanks in advance for your answers!
>    - Brent
>    Taylor Singletary <taylorsinglet...@twitter.com> Sep 09 07:34AM -0700 
> ^<#12af728c13d2126a_digest_top>
>    These are generally saved once by mobile-based Twitter clients, as
>    you've
>    surmised!
>    Taylor
>   Topic: Friends and Followers Resources for Protected 
> Accounts<http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/t/7c8cd3bfe7648a0f>
>    Vega <edgardo.v...@gmail.com> Sep 09 07:20AM -0700 
> ^<#12af728c13d2126a_digest_top>
>    Going through the website. I was able to jump from a list to a users
>    page. Even though the user is protected I can see their followers and
>    who they are following. If I use the api against that user to get the
>    users follower ids I get:
>    "The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized." Here is the
>    documentation for the endpoint I am using,
>    http://dev.twitter.com/doc/get/followers/ids.
>    Seems like an inconsistency between the website and the api. I just
>    want to verify that is excepted result from the api.
>    Thanks for any help ahead of time.
>   Topic: List Widget code upgraded 
> yet?<http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/t/ecd42a17fcabe402>
>    Mike <rotti...@gmail.com> Sep 09 06:45AM -0700 
> ^<#12af728c13d2126a_digest_top>
>    Hi Matt, this is the code.
>    ================
>    <script src="http://widgets.twimg.com/j/2/widget.js";></script>
>    <script>
>    new TWTR.Widget({
>    version: 2,
>    type: 'list',
>    rpp: 16,
>    interval: 8000,
>    title: 'Foo whatever',
>    subject: '',
>    width: 'auto',
>    height: 300,
>    theme: {
>    shell: {
>    background: '#FFFFFF',
>    color: '#FFFFFF'
>    },
>    tweets: {
>    background: '#FFFFFF',
>    color: '#313131',
>    links: '#2CA4E3'
>    }
>    },
>    features: {
>    scrollbar: false,
>    loop: true,
>    live: true,
>    hashtags: true,
>    timestamp: true,
>    avatars: true,
>    behavior: 'default'
>    }
>    }).render().setList('cnn', 'cnnnews').start();
>    </script>
>    ================
>    Thanks, Mike
>   Topic: from:me in 
> search<http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/t/8e286d8413f21b34>
>    Mark Krieger <markskrie...@gmail.com> Sep 09 06:42AM -0700 
> ^<#12af728c13d2126a_digest_top>
>    If I search for me by doing 'from:markskrieger' in either twitter
>    directly, or from a twitter saved search of from:markskrieger, or from
>    the equivalent in the api, I do not get recent results. In fact, I am
>    not sure I am getting all results at all, it seems I am getting one or
>    two tweets, others are just missing.
>    Is this a known problem?
>    Mark
>    Taylor Singletary <taylorsinglet...@twitter.com> Sep 09 07:07AM -0700 
> ^<#12af728c13d2126a_digest_top>
>    All tweets don't appear in search, unfortunately. This article explains
>    a
>    bit about it:
> http://support.twitter.com/articles/66018-my-tweets-or-hashtags-are-missing-from-search
>    Taylor
>  --
> Twitter developer documentation and resources: http://dev.twitter.com/doc
> API updates via Twitter: http://twitter.com/twitterapi
> Issues/Enhancements Tracker:
> http://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/list
> Change your membership to this group:
> http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk?hl=en

Mark Krieger
Skype: markskrieger

Note: I am now using gmail.com, please update your email entry for me.

Twitter developer documentation and resources: http://dev.twitter.com/doc
API updates via Twitter: http://twitter.com/twitterapi
Issues/Enhancements Tracker: http://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/list
Change your membership to this group: 

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