We started running into rate limiting issues today with one of our
applications that uses the Search API (squawq.com).  We're using it to
track user-defined queries for a bunch of folks and provide analytics
on those searches. It seems like developers are being asked to migrate
to the Streaming API, but I'm worried it's going to be _way_ less
efficient than how we're currently using the Search API.

Most of the terms we are tracking are relatively low volume and
contain complex search "AND" type keyword phrases. ex: ["twitter
development" OR twitterdev OR "twitter api"]. Most of these are low
volume and we can poll a couple times an hour very efficiently.

The problem is that as we gain more users, the number of these low-
volume terms increases. So a second user might be tracking [coke OR
"coca cola"], and a third user might track ["first lego league" OR
legoleague], and so on. To be able to support this with the Streaming
API we would either have to pull a gigantor amount of tweets in
through the firehose (assuming we had access) and implement another
layer of indexing, or we'd have to set up a stream for each search a
user has created, again pulling in way more data than we do currently,
but also requiring many concurrent connections and needing to do the
join behavior after the fact.

Long story short, I totally see how the streaming api has made things
super efficient for a number of applications.  For our Squawq app,
however, it seems to be the worst possible scenario: way more
bandwidth intensive, requiring more connections to support all the
different searches we are running on behalf of our users, and adding a
huge amount of processing, storage and software complexity to the
process. All for what seemed like a relatively lightweight, low-
bandwidth process with the search api.

Anyone have any ideas for making the streaming api work well in this
scenario? Can the Twitter team still whitelist search api users that
have this sort of need?

Thanks in advance for any feedback or recommendations.

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