I am playing with favorites and am trying to determine if a given
tweet has been favorited by anyone at all.
That is, given this tweet: https://twitter.com/epc/status/1500168995
which I’ve favorited with another account (@artificllc), is there a
way to determine that it's been favorited, either by the author of the
tweet (@epc) or by any other authenticated user?

My checks with the API seem to indicate that @artificllc will get
<favorited>true</favorited> when retrieving that tweet, but @epc and
any other id will receive <favorited>false</favorited>.

The API seems geared to showing what tweets a given user has marked as
favorites, but there doesn't appear to be a way to see which of a
user's tweets have been marked as favorites by others.  Should I open
an issue?
-ed costello

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