Hi group and Twitter team,

Still having issues working with the Twitter API, main concerns are
things like when making JSONP requests to say accounts that don't
exists (like in the case of a typo etc) I just get a null header or
404 page.

To me when making a RESTful JSONP query it should still return a JSON
string of some sort with the error code and reason or message etc.

Twitter, can you please implement this into your API so it will return
JSON on failed calls, getting a null header or a 404 page just breaks
my apps since no data is ever returned as JSON.

Eg. http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline.json?id=twitter2222&callback=bar

I would like to see at minimum...

bar({"error":"404","status":"Sorry, that user doesn’t exist!"});

(or account deleted or suspended user etc etc etc)

It seems without any data being returned I need to put my queries on
timers with a retry flag or something (not what I really want to do)
and such to try again to see if there was latency in the API and then
generate an unknown error with an "Ummm... Something did not happen
but I don't know what" message o.O These extra requests also seem to
count towards the API limits too.

Any suggestions from other Devs on how you deal with this please let
me know also (since your callback function never gets called) and am
hoping this will get resolved by the Twitter team soon. (does not seem
like a hard fix to implement)

I at least see with the JSONP search queries they have this....

Eg. http://search.twitter.com/search.json?q=hsdfkhksjdfusdh&callback=bar



Thanks for any suggestions! :)

Vision Jinx

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