Yeah I'm using BackType's API for the same reasons you mentioned
above, but primarily because of the how they resolve shortened URLs

On Nov 25, 6:57 am, Ben Richardson <>
> I'm trying to search the API for a specific URL (non-shortened) but am
> getting different results on how many times the URL has been tweeted.
> The URL I'm using for this example 
> is
> Shows a count of 
> 42
> doesn't give me any 
> results
> shows 151 tweets
> It looks like backtype does a better job of the shortened links, but
> from my testing the twitter api will find the results from the
> shortened URL's *sometimes*.
> I've also found that backtype can return more results than the twitter
> api. For example:
> me about 30 tweets going back about a 
> week.
> me 3,836 tweets going back much further.
> So I guess I'm asking if it's possible that backtype is providing a
> much better search than twitter, or I'm doing something wrong. It
> seems like backtype is somehow grabbing every tweet - is that even
> possible? It just doesn't seem right that they can be offering a
> better search results of twitters data than twitter can (they also
> seem to do a better job on shortened URL's than Google which returns
> the same results as twitter).

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