I agree, i've been using signpost with clojure and it is great!

On Sep 13, 10:46 pm, "jim.renkel" <james.ren...@gmail.com> wrote:
> My website (http://twxlate.com) now supports Open Authentication with
> twitter, and it was way easier than I expected, thanks to the signpost
> library from Matthias Kaeppler.
> It took me longer to convert the code I already had for Basic
> Authentication to Apache Http Components 4.x than it did to
> subsequently add Open Authentication support.
> The signpost library is well documented, and works as documented. I
> enthusiastically endorse it and recommend it to anyone that is looking
> for a Open Authentication Java library.
> Again, kudos to Matthias.
> And, a very, very big thanks!
> I suppose that now that the web-site could create tweets with their
> source listed as "twxlate" rather than "API", I'll have to actually
> support creating tweets and DMs. :-)
> Jim

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