[twitter-dev] Re: Oauth_callback_url

2009-10-11 Thread Abraham Williams
I'm currently working on the next version of the library which will include oauth_callback support. In the meantime you can read how the flow is changed with oauth_callback here: http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-api-announce/browse_thread/thread/472500cfe9e7cdb9?hl=entvc=2

[twitter-dev] Re: Oauth_callback_url

2009-10-01 Thread Christian Nunciato
Not sure I understand the question -- I haven't used that library specifically -- but provided the URL you pass in with the call to /oauth/request_token matches the one specified in the Twitter application's settings screen, then the redirect to that callback URL (which Twitter handles, after the

[twitter-dev] Re: Oauth_callback_url

2009-10-01 Thread Michael Steuer
Right, that wasn¹t the question :) The oAuth spec allows for an additional, optional parameter ³oauth_callback² to be passed, which overrides the callback URL that¹s set in the application¹s setting screen. So if that paramater isn¹t passed, it should redirect to the callback URL in the settings.