I can't think of any option other then #2 that will do what you are looking

On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 23:45, Ryan Bell <ryan.j.b...@gmail.com> wrote:

> We have a list of Twitter Status Id's and need to get the message
> content for all of the messages in a single xml stream.
> (non sequential and can be any # range)
> ex)
> "4540244431,3977530424,4544923774,4540244431,3977530424,4544923774"
> Options:
> 1. Use the Search API (or standard API) to get the messages in our
> list.
> It seems like we have looked everywhere to find an API method to let
> us do this.  We cannot find one.  Does it exist?  If not, does anyone
> have a suggestion as to how to get around this problem?
> 2. Get Each Message Individually
> It would be very inefficient to have to call the /status/show/id.xml
> method for each message as their could be a hundred or more.
> Thank you in advance! Any help is much appreciated
> Ryan

Abraham Williams | Community Evangelist | http://web608.org
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