
We have had Twitter OAuth in twitblogs test site for a few weeks
http://oauth.twitblogs.com and I know several other people have also got it
implemented (TWE2) on test sites waiting for Twitter to give us ALL the
thumbs up but it seems some apps are not waiting or have jumped the gun.


I have asked twitter to clarify the situation and explain why some apps are
allowed to go live and others are having to wait patiently and then found
this from Matt Sanford

*During this closed beta we recommend very strongly that you not **do
> general software releases using the feature.  If we find any **security or
> performance problems we will need to turn off OAuth and I **don't want to
> break your apps. Your app can sign up users who are not **in the closed
> beta but since this is really a focus on getting **feedback please try and
> limit the audience to people who you feel can **provide some feedback. *

So there you have it.

Thanks in advance



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